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用这种织物做成的衬裙。A petticoat made of this fabric.

珍,你的衬裙露出来了。That frock shows your petticoat.

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珍,你的衬裙露出来了。Your petticoat is showing , Jane.

我们就像住在衬裙里面。It was like living inside a petticoat.

在烟箱中的地位裙子。The petticoat in position in smoke box.

她从容而缓慢的提起衬裙。As she lifted her petticoat easy and slow.

如果我有条裙子或者长裤,我就会用我的。If I had a petticoat or pantalettes, I'd use them.

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一条粗布围腰把那裙子遮去了一半。A coarse linen apron concealed the half of her petticoat.

另外,衬裙巷是一个非常英国式的集市。and you know, Petticoat Lane is very English market here.

我能看到她的衬裙从裙子下露了出来。I could just see her petticoat peeking out from under her skirt.

她买一条绒线编织的裙,寄给了德纳第。She purchased a knitted petticoat and sent it to the Thenardiers.

到17世纪,时风认为衬裙作为亵服太放荡。To the 17th century, when the wind that is too loose petticoat as underwear.

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天呀!瑞德先生,没什么,那只是你给我的红色丝质裙子罢了。Lordsy, Mr. Rhett. That ain't nothing but my red silk petticoat you done give me.

在路上有个穿红裙的神秘女人跟着他们走了一阵子。On the way, a mysterious woman with a red petticoat walked with them for a while.

她作为候选秀女之一,没理由看不见。She is a candidate for referendum show petticoat of a, have no the cause can't see.

她先穿上一件红色的衬裙,然后穿上一件黑色的连衣裙,再在裙子外面套上一件白色的薄纱裙。She put on a red petticoat first, then a black dress, and a white veil over the dress.

都在猜测,这个怀孕的到底是男清寒是女?All in the surmise, is this pregnancy exactly that the male is meager to is a petticoat?

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她也只穿一件衬衫和一条针织的裙,裙上补了好几块旧呢布。She, too, was clad only in a chemise and a knitted petticoat patched with bits of old cloth.

不过,还有什么能比高跟鞋更配带衬裙的短裤呢?After all, what would be more proper to wear with Petticoat breeches, than high-heeled shoes?

说着她脱下衬裙,让月仙在里子那一面再画一幅。Removing her skirt, she then asked Gessen to do another picture on the back of her petticoat.