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他精心设计了一台新电脑。He elaborately devised a new computer.

在泰国,木材往往被精巧地制作成筷子。In Thailand, wood is often elaborately carved into chopsticks.

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整个会面就是一场精心安排的误导破案的表演。The whole meeting was an elaborately staged act of misdirection.

既然如此,神怎么可能随随便便就把自己精心创造的杰作拱手送人呢?How can God be so generous to send his elaborately made work imprudently?

那Hamar是十分精巧的用鹿角装饰的于埃塞俄比亚的种族群体。The Hamar are among the most elaborately attired of Ethiopia's ethnic groups.

第一组测试者收到的是用包装纸精心包装的礼品,并带有蝴蝶结。One group received the gift elaborately wrapped with decorative paper and bows.

公司的主体精心合作生产振动蒸发器。The corporate bodies collaborate elaborately on producing vibrating evaporator.

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我会精心为您做微雕,刻专项设计---发刻,牙雕,骨雕…等。请赶快联系我。I will make the custom design elaborately for you, please quickly contact with me.

法人团体在生产振动蒸发器之后精心制作协作。The corporate bodies collaborate elaborately on producing vibrating evaporator.

莎士比亚剧本往往注释详尽,便于理解。Shakespeare's plays are often elaborately annotated to make them easier to understand.

他们精心打制出的石器,用今天的目光看来不过是极简单的玩具。They elaborately made their stone implement, which are so simple toys in today's view.

姜饼干,切成各种形状,有时加以精致的修饰。A soft molasses and ginger cookie cut in various shapes, sometimes elaborately decorated.

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棺墓在1922年被打开之后,游客们有幸观赏到墓内精致的壁画。Since the tomb was opened in 1922, tourists have peered at the elaborately painted walls.

沈从文的散文和小说一样,是他精心营构的艺术世界。Just as his novels, Shen Congwens essay is also the art world that he created elaborately.

将葫芦精雕细刻、做成灯笼的习俗可追溯到几千年前的非洲。Carving gourds into elaborately decorated lanterns dates back thousands of years to Africa.

每周有两次“疯狂时刻”数学测试,测试结果排布得很精巧。There were the “mad minute” math quizzes twice each week, with the results elaborately graphed.

如今,为了筹钱做慈善,整个伦敦的盛装小贩精心装饰着一件件手工缝制的服装。Today, pearlies across London elaborately decorate hand-sewn outfits to raise money for charity.

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家具表面用原生水曲柳木材精心加工而成。Furthermore, protogenic manchurian-tree wood is used to finish the surface of furniture elaborately.

早期的印度石建筑通过精心的雕刻更像是雕塑而非建筑。Early Indian stone architecture, which was elaborately carved, was more like sculpture than building.

我们请了一个马戏团,还在花园、喷泉和精心装饰的舞台间举行了一场爱马仕时装秀。We had a circus and an Herm s fashion show amidst gardens, fountains and elaborately decorated stages.