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可口的烤鸡肉串是这家餐厅的特色。Flavorful yakitori skewers are the highlights.

野生玫瑰果茶是茶制成风味玫瑰果。Wild Rose Hip Tea is a flavorful tea made from rose hips.

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适合搭配野味,味浓的禽类或沙锅菜。Well suited to game, flavorful poultry or hearty casserole.

如果不强或气味浓郁,酒被认为是“软弱”。If not strong or flavorful , the wine is considered "feeble".

深的,暗的颜色通常伴随着浓的葡萄酒。Deeper, murkier colors usually accompany more flavorful wines.

个人营养系统不仅有益于健康,还味道鲜美并且别具一格。Vita System is beneficial to health as well as flavorful and refreshing!

番茄酱意大利粉被认为是意大利菜。Pastas, sauces and flavorful cheeses are at the heart of real Italian food.

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我同意这种说法,这次的面团味道很好而且容易处理。I have to say that I agree, this dough is flavorful and very easy to work with.

如果你没有核桃油,你可以使用健康、美味的橄榄油代替。If you don't have walnut oil, you can substitute for a healthy, flavorful olive oil.

他喜欢它的保健功效和无糖美味。He likes it for the health benefits and because it is flavorful despite being sugar free.

酒体丰满,单宁柔顺余味持久,结束时充满香味,余味持久。Full-bodied, with velvety tannins and a long, flavorful finish. Wine Spectator – 91 points.

大多数在这里销售的药茶都只不过是很多不知名物质组成的混合物。Most of the herbal teas sold here are simply flavorful combinations of unspecified composition.

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这家店虽然以乳猪著称,烧鹅却做得十分入味。Despite this place being famous for their suckling pig, the roast goose is flavorful inside and out.

我们将给您呈上精美包装的原汁原味的土老福品牌城口土猪老腊肉!We shall bring you delicately packed, local flavorful organic "Local Old Fortune" farm preserved ham!

女人的清贫日子,怀着花的心情,平淡日子便是国色天香,有滋有味了。Woman's impoverished day and fade life is flavorful like the peony if you are armed with the flower's mood.

红茶的制作过程是让茶叶比绿茶茶叶更充分地氧化。一般来讲,红茶味道要香一些。Black tea is made from leaves more heavily oxidized than the green variety, and it is generally more flavorful.

在所有的法国红酒中,薄酒来是最适合现代晚宴各种人群的百搭酒。Of all the red wines of France, Beaujolais is the most suited to modern diner's thirst for fruity, flavorful wines.

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然后用最新鲜的奶油,浓水果汁,纯可可油和坚果来做最可口的夹心。We then use the freshest creams, fruit purees, pure cocoa butter and nuts to create the most flavorful of fillings.

口感丰富且饱满,带有美味的李子香,果味与成熟的单宁相结合从而形成了极好的平衡感。The palate is full and rich, with a flavorful plum character. Well balanced, this wine is held together by ripe tannins.

朗月浮云,青竹篱笆,雍荣华贵的牡丹花怒放,花香浓郁,香气溢人。Long floating clouds and green bamboo fence, Yong splendor of your peony in full bloom, the scent flavorful aroma Yi people.