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我总是在正手扣球时失误。I often miss with forehand shots.

第一,他的发球和正手。First, his serve and his forehand.

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正手回球是我最大的弱点。Forehand return is my greatest weakness.

丹顿打了个非常漂亮的正手回击。Denton just hit an excellent forehand return.

每当我正手拍侧击时,总是失误。I always miss when I have to use a forehand swipe.

我的正手出了一些问题,移动不到位。My forehand had some issues, my movement wasn't there.

加强正反手技术的成功率,使学员掌握基本的步伐移动。Learn to command the basic skill of back-hand and forehand.

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塞莱斯发球然后正手接球得分。Seles serves and saves Break point with nice forehand winner.

和许多当代球员一样,他的正手采用的是半西方式握拍。Like many modern players he uses a semi-western grip for his forehand.

我花了将近三年的时间才有了相对稳定的正反手。It takes me nearly 3 years to have relatively steady forehand and backhand.

本场的第一分双方就打了23个回合,最后以穆雷正手失误结束。The first contained 23 strokes, ending with a mis-timed forehand by the Scot.

正手腿下抛出是比较容易掌握手枪之一抛出。The under the leg forehand throw is one of the easier sidearm throws to master.

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当你打出一个正手斜线穿越的时候,是否感觉很特别?Q. Do you feel something special when there's like a running crosscourt forehand?

我拿到一个破发点,他打个不可思议的正手压线球,而且正在角上。I get a breakpoint, and he play an incredible forehand down the line on the corner.

小威廉姆斯发挥她的正手在比赛对维多利亚阿扎连卡1月27日。Serena Williams plays a forehand in her match against Victoria Azarenka January 27.

一个很好的测试正手的方法是是否有能力稳定而有力量地杀高球。A good test of your forehand is the ability to smash lobs consistently and powerfully.

在打高远球和杀球时,需要改变握拍姿势为正手握拍。For example, for smash or clear, should be changed forehand grip from this usual grip.

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在研究攻打、带弧圈球的基础上,提出了正手挤打弧圈球技术。This paper suggests a new forehand "pressing play" technique to cope with the loop drive.

霍尔比较喜欢横拍,因为他可以轻易地用反手扣球。I was impressed with his skills in the backhand smash, the forehand smash, and the drop shot.

他在反手扣杀、手扣杀和吊球方面的技术,给我留下了很深的印象。I was impressed with his skills in the backhand smash , the forehand smash, and the drop shot.