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试金石画室网站欢迎您!Welcome to sjs studio !

你自己有摄影室吗?You have a photo studio ?

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我爸爸拥有一间婚纱摄影室。My dad has a wedding studio.

这个摄影棚并不隔音。The studio isn't soundproof.

好的,欢迎到我们的制作室。Well, welcome to our studio.

噢,你有自己的摄影室?Oh, you have your own studio ?

虚拟工作室技术?。VST? Virtual Studio Technique?

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旅馆在演播室附近吗?Was the hotel near the studio?

大点设计工作室美化制作。Design By Dadian Design Studio.

由赫斯维克工作室设计。Designed by Heatherwick Studio.

他在摄影室里工作。He works in a photographic studio.

她和史蒂文在演播室。She and Steven were at the studio.

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你不必去演播室了吗?Don't you have to be at the studio?

我一连几天呆在这个工作室里。I spend days on end in this studio.

轻笑着,他踏进了书斋。Lightly smile, he trod into studio.

现在我们回到电视演播室。We're now going back to the studio.

他从校园里的工作室加入我们的对话。He joins us from a studio on campus.

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这个播音室正在安装音响设备用的电线。The studio is being wired for sound.

他们是在汉城一家电影制作室见的面。They met in a movie studio in Seoul.

堂堂的,华丽的,极好的。They've designed us a superb studio.