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面部肌肤更是水水嫩嫩。Facial skin is water.

这种乳膏可除去面部的汗毛。The cream dissolves facial hair.

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以此类推,认识五官。By analogy, know facial features.

现在在使用的洗面乳是?。What is your current facial wash?

他想要买个洗面奶。He wants to buy a facial cleanser.

做一个黄瓜牛油果美容面膜Make a Cucumber Avocado Facial Mask

面部扭曲,痛苦不堪。Facial features are distorted in pain.

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我在我的发须上也发现了些许变化。I also saw a change in my facial hair.

我常使用这种活肤面膜。I use this reviving facial mask often.

痉挛使她面部的肌肉抽搐。The spasm convulses her facial muscles.

你应该常用这种面膜。You should use this facial masque often.

你可以轻而易举地做出各种面部表情。You've got that facial expressions down.

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我的店里有大量面巾纸的存货。I stocked many facial tissues in my shop.

脸部皮肤松弛怎么办?How does facial ministry skin do flabbily?

另外,我适合使用什么类型的面膜?Also, what kind of facial mask should I use?

我要去美容师那儿做脸。I'm going to the beautician to have a facial.

又一次有了与众不同的面部表情。It has a distinctive facial expression again.

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她刚刚做了面部拉皮手术。She has just done a face-lift facial surgery.

面部神经促使表情肌肉活动。The facial nerve-s the muscles of expression.

我的面霜和化妆水都快用光了。I'm running low on facial moisturizer and toner.