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的病灶被视为在所有患者。The nidus was seen well in all patients.

淮南地区存在毛毕属吸虫自然疫源地。Natural nidus of Trichobilharzia exists in Huainan area.

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细菌或胆色素可作为结晶形成的一个核心。Bacteria or bile pigment may serve as a nidus for crystal formation.

瘤巢的彻底切除是成功治疗骨样骨瘤的关键。The complete resection of nidus is the key to treat osˉteoid osteoma.

在两例患者中,切除后超声提示有附带病灶要切除。In two patients, postresection ultrasound prompted additional nidus removal.

上述结果表明,在河南省已存在有包虫病的自然疫源地。The above results demonstrated that there was natural nidus of hydatid disease.

该仪器是集光、机、电一体的病灶诊断仪。This nidus diagnosis instrument is combined by optical, machine, and electricity.

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术中通过再次采集数据证实肿瘤完全切除。Complete removal of the nidus was confirmed intraoperatively by reacquisition of data.

图示由不规则反应性新生骨组成的骨样骨瘤。This is the central nidus of an osteoid osteoma composed of irregular reactive new bone.

靠近基底节区及丘脑病变心电图异常率高,周边病变则较低。The variation rate of ECG of basal ganglion and thalamus nidus is higher, peripheral nidus is lower.

骨髓炎6个月后复发2例,经二次病灶清除后愈合。The osteomyelitis reoccurred in 2 cases 6 months later had achieved healed by nidus clearing finally.

研究露蜂房蛋白质对抗癌细胞增殖的药物开发具有重要意义。It is significant to study Nidus Vespae protein in order to find a new nature anti-proliferation drug.

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目的探讨部分脑胶质瘤病灶周围无水肿的原因和影象学特点。Objective To discuss the cause of no edema around part gliomas nidus and the characteristics of image.

术后有2名患者进行CT扫描证实病灶完全切除。Postoperative computer tomography scan done in 2 patients confirmed complete extirpation of the nidus.

胡蜂广泛分布在我国大部分山区,露蜂房为其巢,其中存在大量的抗癌活性物质。Wasp is widely distributed in most of the mountain of China whose nest, Nidus Vespae contains a lot of anti-cancer component.

目的观察露蜂房蛋白对红白血病小鼠的脾和骨髓的影响。Objective To observe the effect of protein from Nidus Vespae on the ultrastructure of spleen and bone marrow of leukemia mouse.

骨软骨游离体的病灶很可能是一段完全分离的黄韧带。It is also possible that the nidus of the osteochondral loose body was a completely detached portion of calcified ligamentum flavum.

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疼痛是骨样骨瘤的主要症状,瘤巢是确诊骨样骨瘤的关键,CT是发现瘤巢的最佳方法。Pain is the main symptom and nidus is the key to the diagnosis of osteoid osteoma. CT scan is the best method to demonstrate the nidus.

结果超声能清楚显示病变部位、数目、大小、边界以及局部胆囊壁的情况,并可观察病变内部血流情况。Results US could well demonstrate the nidus positions, numbers, border and local condition of cystic wall, the blood flow of the nidus could also been well observed.