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弼成为此,引咎辞职。Bute into this, resign.

人们都传说他要辞职了。It is said he would resign.

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他唯一解套的办法是辞职。His only recourse was to resign.

他打算要辞职。——我也听说了。He's going to resign. ——So I hear.

康克林决定辞职,以表抗议。Conkling decided to resign in protest.

素贴将辞去秘书长职务。Suthep will resign as Secretary-General.

我经过再三考虑决定辞职。After much cogitation , I decide to resign.

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巴达维说,他不打算辞职。Mr. Badawi says he does not plan to resign.

帕潘德里欧回绝了辞职要求。Mr. Papandreou rebuffed the call to resign.

到处都在传,说他要辞职了。Rumours are rife that he is going to resign.

我不想当科长了我要辞职。I have to resign my position as section chief.

我把孩子们托附给国家照管。I resign my children to the care of the State.

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我愿把我的权利让给第一个要求者。I will resign my rights to the first claimant.

我经过再三考虑后决定辞职。After much cogitation I have decided to resign.

我甘愿辞职也不愿在那个老板手底下工作。I would sooner resign than work under that boss.

奥尔默特说,如果他被起诉,他会辞职。Mr. Olmert says that if indicted he will resign.

他们打算辞去委员会中的职务。They are intending to resign from the committee.

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他决定收回辞呈,并且向博比学习。He decided not to resign but to learn from Bobby.

如果你欺人太甚的话,亨利就会辞职不干。Henry will resign in case you drive him too hard.

假如你欺人太甚的话,亨利就会辞职不干。Henry be to resign in case you drive he too exert.