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结论AUC分析法可用于老年患者丙泊酚药代动力学模型的选择。Conclusion Analysis of AUC can be used for identification of pharmacokinetic models of propofol.

丙磺舒可显著地抑制吡哌酸的肾脏排泄,降低其体内清除率,提高血药水平。Probenicid could remarkably increase the half-life and AUC of pipemidic acid by reducing its clearance.

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本奖学金总额达到34,000欧元,以3年全额学费减免的方式发放。The AUC Scholarship amounts to 34,000 Euros and covers the full tuition fee for the 3-year Bachelor programme.

实验结果表明,AUC值和核函数和多类转换方法的选取都有着密切的联系。The results indicate that the AUC value is closely related with the kernel functions and multi-class transformation metho.

胎脑与母体脑吗啡AUC比率为9.5,表明两者之间的血脑屏障通透性存在较大差别。The fetal brain to maternal brain AUC ratio for morphine was 9.5, suggesting large differences in their blood-brain barrier permeability.

在即将到来的2010-2011学年,AUC将资助一名优秀的中国学生赴荷兰攻读其3年制本科项目。In the academic year 2010-2011, AUC would like to support one top Chinese student to follow the 3-year Bachelor programme in the Netherlands.

在450~600℃范围内,用等温热重法研究了AUC分解产物于氢中的还原动力学。The reduction kinetics of AUC decomposition product in hydrogen at the range of 450-600C has been determined by isothermal thermogravimetric method.

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在给出的六种给药方式中,分时段连续滴注和等时间间隔一次性注射的给药方式,它们的AUC值最大。In the six injection-methods, injecting by continuing-dropping in separated time periods or bolus injection in several times with the same interval could obtain the highest AUC.

作者布洛拆开查封资料,2004年在邻近俄属高加索的国家北奥塞梯人别斯兰学校人质事件,袭击者被官方宣布为车臣恐怖分子。Mr Bullough unpicks the seizure, by terrorists cl aiming to be Chechen fighters, of the Besl an school in North Osseti a, a neighbouring republic in Russi a's C auc asus, in 2004.

由于生理功能的昼夜变化,由于一天内给药间隔和吸收速率也可能发生变化,因此,24小时测一次AUC可能是最好的。Measuring the AUC over 24 h is probably preferable because of circadian variations in physiologic functions and because of possible variations in dosing intervals and absorption rates during a day.