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用时间轴编辑器轻松地设计动画动作。Easily choreograph animation with the timeline editor.

所有一切都表现出可预测的,训练有素的控制局面的能力。It is all in an effort to choreograph a predictable level of control.

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我真正想做的是为更多有联系人设计舞蹈动作,这将是个令人兴奋的事业。What I will really like to do is to choreograph otIT human. It will be an exciting care noter.

了解如何编排男子的举动在这个自由的舞蹈教学视频的华尔兹舞。Learn how to choreograph men's moves for dancing the waltz in this free instructional dance video.

学会如何在舞蹈编排斗牛在这个自由的教学步骤西班牙舞蹈视频。Learn how to choreograph steps in Paso Doble dancing in this free instructional Spanish dance video.

在服务实现之后,需要用它们组合和编排业务流程。After services are implemented, they need to be used to compose and choreograph the business processes.

更轻的光剑有助于特技表演者设计比以往更迅捷的打斗动作。The stunt performers have been taking advantage of the lighter weight to choreograph even faster moves.

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学习如何编排的舞蹈动作与在这个自由的教学视频的华尔兹舞的合作伙伴。Learn how to choreograph moves with a partner for dancing the waltz in this free instructional dance video.

学习如何与音乐编排的步骤,斗牛舞在这个自由西班牙舞蹈教学视频。Learn how to choreograph steps with music in Paso Doble dancing in this free instructional Spanish dance video.

羽毛中的微小结构会引导光线,让宝石蓝色从一个方向折射出来,而让翠绿色从另一个方向出现。Tiny structures in the feathers choreograph incoming light, reflecting sapphire in one direction, emerald in another.

据中国日报报道,政府已经聘请“专家”编排了12支国家批准的广场舞。According to the China Daily, authorities have hired an "expert panel" to choreograph 12 state-approved square dances.

我们无法设计自己的人生事件,但是我们可以抓住出现在我们人生道路中的那些机会,看看它们将带领我们到何处。We can't choreograph life events, but we can clasp the hands of those who appear in our paths and see where they lead us.

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至今她还在努力编曲来延续客户的高保持率,她每十周大约可以谱出30首曲子。She continues to choreograph routines to approximately 30 new songs every 10 weeks to keep her high member retention rate.

你对沈伟被邀请去帮助2008年奥林匹克运动会开幕式编舞,而没有找当地的现代舞团,有什么看法?Why do you think Shen Wei was chosen to help choreograph for the 2008 Olympics as opposed to a more local modern dance company?

您可以使用它们定义业务逻辑的步骤,协调和编排其他服务以及与人员有关的活动。You can use them to the define steps of your business logic, to coordinate and choreograph other services, and to involve people.

理解这些基本元素是如何共同作用并编排基因表现,是生物学家今天所面临的重大挑战之一。Figuring out how all these elements work together to choreograph gene expression is one of the central challenges facing biologists.

在由舞蹈家海蒂莱斯基编舞演出的GIMP舞蹈团中,身强体健和肢体残障的舞者正探索各种不同形式的美。In GIMP, a performance choreographed by choreograph Heidi Latsky, a troupe of abled and disabled dancers explores beauty in its many forms.

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我真正想做的是为别人设计舞蹈动作,这将是个令人兴奋的职业。What I would really like to do is to choreograph other people.It would be an exciting career.But I shouldn't think too far into the future.

与古典方法相较,上述方法可以在解题时大幅减少计算的步骤数。然而哪些计算问题可以运用这种干涉性质编排处理呢?For which computational problems can we choreograph this sort of interference, using fewer steps than it would take to solve the problem classically?

虽然去掉了那些重复的动作,但是也没有必要为你所说的内容去设计一些特殊的动作。那样看起来会有点牵强。Remove distracting and repetitive gestures but don't try and choreograph what you're saying with specific gestures. It will look forced and unnatural.