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我上的是补习学校。I goa cram school.

银行试图冻结马尔雅的资产,包括他在果阿邦的地产。Mallya's assets, including his estate in Goa.

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我们将投入所有我们在该文件夹兴亚改善。We will put all our GOA improvements in that folder.

高行健是位目标明确、思想清晰、勇于实验的戏剧创新者。Goa has a clear aim and mind of his own, daring to try new forms of theatre.

电影展示大量有关的场面,影片背景设在果亚阿姆利则的海滨度假区。They are quite lavish. The setting is Amritsar with a holiday on the beachfront in Goa.

介绍了太钢烧结配加印度果阿矿粉的烧结试验。Sintering pot and plant tests with proportioning of GOA fine ore were conducted in TISC.

圣方济各·沙勿略的那个被咬掉的脚趾现被放在果阿一个教堂的银质圣物箱内。Today, St. Francis Xavier's toe is on display in a silver reliquary in a cathedral in Goa.

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嫁妆孟买果阿果阿是为葡萄牙在东方的基础,并为它的美丽与安宁而著名。Goa was the base for the Portuguese in the East and was famed for it's beauty and tranquility.

他支持葡萄牙占据果阿使得亚洲人民更加反对他的政府。His support for Portugal's occupation of Goa has turned the Asian people against his government all the more.

内斯塔的进球把比分改写为2-1,卡卡和因扎吉此后又连下两城。The goal of the 2-1 was signed by Nesta, who anticipated the third goal by Kaka and the fourth goa by Inzaghi.

16世纪早期,葡萄牙于1510年和1511年分别占据了亚洲的果阿港和马六甲港。Early 16th century, Portugal in 1510 and 1511, respectively, occupy the port of Goa in Asia and the Malacca port.

在阿姆斯特丹的咖啡馆里、在果阿的海滩上,或在深山里的艺术家聚集地中都可以找到嬉皮。They can be seen in the cafes of Amsterdam, on the beaches of Goa or hiding away in remote mountain artist colonies.

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经历了一段爱情长跑后,这对奇特的恋人终成眷属,日前他们刚从印度旅游胜地果阿度蜜月归来。After a long courtship, the oddly matched couple have just returned from their honeymoon in the Indian resort of Goa.

更重要地是,香港的面积和人口不超过果阿邦,所以香港的发展显而易见。Moreover the size and population of Hong Kong is not more than GOA. So its obvious there development will be visible.

实验室试验和工业试验结果表明,印度果阿矿粉的烧结性能及冶金性能与H。The results show that, there is little difference on sintering and metallurgical properties between GOA fine ore and H.

在沿海果阿邦的海边村庄Anjuna,一名妇女在从井里汲水。A woman collects water from a well in the beach village of Anjuna, in the coastal state of Goa. Photograph by Palani Mohan

结果表明,奶山羊的行为受年龄、饲养方式、日粮组成和环境的影响。The result shows that the behavior of dairy goa ts is effected by the feeding methods, dietary components and environment.

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论文最后总结了课题研究的意义、成果和GOA系统的技术特点,提出了作者进一步的研究设想。In the end, the thesis summarizes the practical significance and the result of GOA system, provides some tentative ideas of writer.

来自世界各地三十余名知识分子上周末齐聚印度果阿,重新审视贫穷、公义及环境问题。Over 30 intellectuals from around the world converged on Goa last weekend to look afresh at poverty, justice and environmental issues.

从“万金”到“万亿金”代表了万金最初发展的良好景愿,如今,万金人正步履坚定的践行着这一目标。From large sum of money to billion is the good will of Wanjin's first development. Nowadays, Wanjin people is firmly implementing the goa.