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不小心在路上碰倒了一个小孩。Unluckily on the road you smashed a little boy.

遗憾的是这块美玉上有一道明显的裂璺。Unluckily there is a obvious crack on the jade.

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偏巧在这时,莫笛又一次出现在她的生活中。Unluckily is in at this moment, mo Di appears in her life again.

不幸的是,太多的人在交通事故中失去了他们的生命。Unluckily , too many people lost their lives in traffic accidents.

一些人只是想尝试一下自杀,但却不幸真的身亡了。Some people unluckily achieve suicide when they only meant to attempt it.

不过,也是老夫人该倒霉,效果恰恰相反。But, unluckily for her ladyship, its effect had been exactly contrariwise.

提一个似非而是的比喻,一个人好似变成早起的小虫,如果坏运临头,肯定碰上吃虫的小鸟。Paradoxically, it is as if one were to become the early worm that unluckily gets the bird.

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父亲被杀的那一天。他认为这是他的过错,他很后悔。Unluckily. his father was killed one day . He thought it was his fault and he regreted a lot.

然后我们被那老爷爷骂了一顿,我和弟弟不知所措地站在那哭,怎么那么倒霉!Then we were scolded by the old man, and we cried and didn't know what to do! How unluckily we were!

然而不幸的是,由于一些不明真相的人由于负面的谣言把他当成一个坏人。But unluckily someone that didn't know the truth, treated him as a bad man because of some bad rumors.

Wilson说,对蛇来说不幸的是因为被山体滑坡埋个正着,那一刻便被永久封存。Unluckily for the snake, that moment was frozen in time because a landslide buried the site right then, Wilson said.

偏偏丈夫疑心较重、脾气古怪,在外面听了闲话就回家打老婆。Unluckily the husband suspects heavier, disposition is eccentric, listened to claver to come home outside dozen of wife.

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但是我被认作由于一种完全负面疾病的、由于我不幸患上的东西的影响而受苦的、残疾的。But, I am seen as afflicted, handicapped by a disorder of an entirely negative nature, by something that I've unluckily 'caught.'

但是,我们不幸地看到,综合类证券公司的现行盈利模式面临作严峻的考验。But it is unluckily for us to see that the profit-making model of comprehensive security companies is in face of serious situation.

她们偏偏火眼金睛,洞若观火,男人的种种瑕疵劣迹,全都逃不过她们的法眼。They unluckily piercing eye, see clearly, a variety of flaw evil doing of the man, all does not escape to pass their law key point.

偏偏陈飞的父亲和尊尼的母亲相恋,使两人关系更形紧张,闹出许多笑话。Unluckily Chen Fei's father and the mother of honour Buddhist nun are in love, make two people concern more form is nervous, make an a lot of joke.

人生是一条粗糙的绳索,无论我们是优雅地走在上面,还是不幸被绊倒,我们都要微笑,我们要感激生命给了我们这么多。Life is a rough rope, and whether we are gracefully walking on it or unluckily tripped up, we shall always smile and feel grateful for everything life has endowed us.

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如果不幸被揪送出来,就在大门外等着电影放映到一个多小时后,看门人有时会发善心,放我们进去。If one of us was unluckily caught and kicked out of the cinema, he would wait until the movie was shown for one hour. Then the watchman was stung by conscience to let him in.

车子俊偏偏是时尚潮男,夜场动物,为了争取出去玩,不惜拉出同事童国庆来打掩护。Car handsome it is fashionable tide unluckily male, evening show animal, go out to play to strive for, not hesitate pull colleague child National Day to come provide cover for.

偷粮方案按部停止,锁头拿菊子偷带出来的千德丰仓库钥匙的模子来配钥匙,偏巧被元宝看到。Stealing food plan according to the department to stop, locks and chrysanthemum son stealing out thousands of wheelock warehouse key mold to go with the key, unluckily seen by wing.