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刮痧能瘦腿吗?效果好不好?。Scraping can stovepipe it? Out good?

有什么方法可以快速瘦腿?Is there any way you can quickly stovepipe?

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另外来试试一分钟瘦腿操吧。Another stovepipe operation to try it for a minute.

勤劳锻炼,跑步瘦腿,仰卧起坐瘦腰。Diligence exercise, stovepipe running, sit-ups thin waist.

能否依赖跑步机来制定这个瘦腿规划呢?Can rely on the treadmill to develop the stovepipe planning?

什么产品瘦腿瘦身最有效???What is the most effective weight-loss product stovepipe? ? ?

还是把烟囱改成弯曲的,让它拐个弯,这样火星就不会跑出去了。You really should bend the stovepipe at an angle to prevent the sparks from escaping.

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我们走进一个脏暗的房间那里天花板都破开了一个洞。We looked into a dusty room with a hole in the ceiling where once the stovepipe exited.

他们更用烟囱这样的事情,只是,他们没有这样做制度化以及服务。They're more used to stovepipe kind of thing, and simply, they are not institutionalized to do the services well.

腿部的话,有一款瘦腿的,在美俏上有引荐的贝罗的瘦腿霜,有辣椒和咖啡两种。Legs, then there a stovepipe, and in the United States of Belo pretty on stovepipe referral cream, chili peppers and coffee are two.

网上购买的无正规厂家标志的“瘦腿袜”,不仅不能达到防病瘦腿的效果,甚至会由于过“紧”而产生伤害。Buy online without formal manufacturers logo" stovepipe socks", not only to prevent stovepipe effect, or even as a "tight" have hurt.

我戴上那顶太阳帽,在下巴上系好,谁要想看我的脸,就像朝一截火炉烟筒里往下看一般费劲。I put on the sun-bonnet and tied it under my chin, and then for a body to look in and see my face was like looking down a joint of stovepipe.

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我带上了女用的遮阳大草帽,系到我的下巴颏儿上,这样,人家要细看我的脸,就好比要从火炉筒子往下看一样的难。I put on the sun-bonnet and tied it under my chin, and then for a body to look in and see my face was like looking down a joint of stovepipe.

在很多图片中,美国第16任总统亚伯拉罕-林肯戴着一顶黑色大礼帽,事实上他的帽子里常常装着一些信件、票据,和便笺。Often depicted wearing a tall black stovepipe hat, 16th president of the United States Abraham Lincoln carried letters, bills, and notes in his hat.

目前,最佳生产力战胜了我们一直从事的在业务中分解传统工作分组的“大帽子”结构。Right now, the biggest productivity wins we're seeing involve breaking down the traditional "stovepipe" structure of working groups within a business.

通过计算得出了一台实验用相变-液浴式锅炉的炉胆出口烟气温度、排烟温度随天然气流量变化的曲线。With this method, the temperatures of flue gas at the furnace and the stovepipe exit of a test boiler were calculated along with the changing of the flow rate of fuel gas.

面向服务的开发与传统的烟囱式应用开发的不同之处在于,它强调外部的依赖和约束,并把它们整合到了开发生命周期的每一步中去。Service-oriented development differs from traditional stovepipe development in that it emphasises and incorporates external dependencies and obligations into each phase of the development lifecycle.