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中华安息香及其造林技术。Styrax chinensis and its forestation techniques.

我们展开了全国性的造林运动。We have launched a nationwide forestation campaign.

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而无鞭母竹不能上山造林。Non-rhizomes mother bamboo can't be used for forestation.

三北防护林带是一项造林事业。The Three North Shelterbelt is a forestation undertaking.

但我对仅仅植树造林就能解决问题表示怀疑。But I doubt whether forestation alone will solve the problem.

植树造林,功在当代,利在千秋。Forestation accomplished now will benefit our future generations.

专家认为中国必须推行大规模的植树造林计划。Experts argue that China must introduce a massive forestation program.

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分析讨论了柠条人工林的造林技术及林木生长特点。Forestation techniques and growth features of Caragana microphylla were analyzed.

移植苗因其根系发达,造林成活率高,目前在造林绿化中应用最为广泛。Due to prosperous root system and high survival rate, transplants were applied widely in forestation.

进一步去植树造林,以创造新的农田可产生不利影响的环境和气候。Further de- forestation to create new farmland could negatively affect the environment and the climate.

他说,最近几年来,中国西部的退耕还林等项目已经帮助减少了二氧化碳的排放。He said recent forestation programmes in western China have already helped offset carbon dioxide emissions.

然而在造林后必须对其进行适当的养护活动,只有这样才可以确保其能够顺利的成活。However after forestation must be proper maintenance activities, only in this way can ensure that its survival.

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油松和麻栎林土壤物理性质与造林密度也有很强的相关性。Chinese pine and hemp oakery soil physical property also have very strong correlativity with forestation density.

该区大型真菌在食用、药用、营林等方面具有很好的开发潜力。Macrofungi in this region has great potential values of application on the edibility , medicinal and forestation.

对杨树植苗和插干造林进行造林对比试验,共设2个区3组。The cuttage forestation was compared with stock planting forestation in the test, in which 2 plots and 3 groups were set.

紧邻京密引水渠及其庞大的绿化带,空气清新、湿润,让所有到过曙光小区的客人都惊叹不已。It surprises all the people here with its position closing to Jingmi Channel, grand forestation belt, fresh and moist air.

可以推广活性微生物菌肥在盐碱地造林方面的应用。It is suggested that the application of microorganism fertilizer to forestation on saline-alkali soil should be popularized.

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讨论目前在绿化方面正面对的土壤干化问题、土壤植被群落类型以及造林密度现存的问题。Debating soil dry layer, model of soil vegetation community and forestation density are important problem in the forestation.

设计了系统的功能结构,实现了一个造林专家系统,在实际生产中进行了应用。The system functional structure was designed, and a forestation expert system was implemented and applied to actual production.

对活性微生物菌肥在盐碱土壤造林上的应用进行了初步尝试。An experiment was conducted to study the effect of microorganism fertilizer on forestation on saline-alkali soil in Daqing City.