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史密斯公馆.Smith residence.

居住地在河北省保定市。Residence at Baoding City.

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这是清馨的家吗?Is this Qingxin's residence?

这里是白公馆吗?Is this the White Residence?

我要为自己的住宅保险。I want to insure my residence.

这里完全没有居民区。So there's no residence at all.

喂。这俚是王公馆。Hello. This is the Wang residence.

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喂喂,这是贝克家。Hello. This is the Baker residence.

我们有了一个舒适的新居。We have a comfortable new residence.

这是邓普斯特·奎因公馆。This is the Dempster Quinn residence.

他已为获得居留证作了申请。He have applied for a residence permit.

请准备一间房子供我居住。Please fit up a house for my residence.

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伯尔尼被选定为他的居住地。Berne was chosen as his place of residence.

对不起,我可以检查一下您的居留证吗?Excuse me, may I check your residence permit?

他的住所几乎每晚都遭火箭弹袭击。His residence is rocketed almost every night.

梁实秋故居位于鱼山路33号。Liang's former residence at No. 33 Fish Road.

这家旅馆还有一个小型游泳池和健身房。Rolla Residence has a small pool and fitness.

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她被给予一张为期一年的居住证。She is grant a residence permit for one year.

我要住宿登记单延长我的签证。I need a proof of residence to extend my visa.

他要求延长居留证的期限。He asked for extension of his residence permit.