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它在仁慈在提供给你一切。It's benevolently providing for you.

绝大多数阿尔法狗统治是仁慈的。The vast majority of alpha dogs rule benevolently. They are confident in their position.

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一次又一次地,我的闺中密友都说我怎麽就能如此地大方。Again and again, my best friends all said that how could I do so, how could I am so benevolently.

这片广场由圣三一教堂慈善管辖,面对着北面小巧玲珑的老房子。It is benevolently presided over by Holy Trinity Church and faced by dapper old houses on the north.

我仍会嫉妒最好的朋友,但选择对他宽容和亲切。I can still experience envy toward my best friend and choose to behave generously and benevolently toward him.

与许多作者一样,我也曾想象有几百个我的书迷朋友在书店里排起长龙,期待着我亲切地为他们签名。Like many authors, I envisioned hundreds of bookstore customers lining up for me to benevolently sign copies for them.

而在一个阳台上,包括本杰明内塔尼亚胡在内的著名反对党的政客们,则是抱着宽容的心态、没有一句反对之声的望着这一切。From a balcony, prominent opposition politicians, including Benjamin Netanyahu, looked on benevolently and uttered no rebukes.

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“吃吧,你看你这个人……啧,啧!”“营业部主任”又慷慨地扔过来。那半块饼子已干得坚硬无比,扔来扔去都不会掉渣的。"To eat, to eat! " the Sales Director chucked back again benevolently , the cake was so hard that its residue did not dropped.

他是一个和蔼可亲的人,略微偏胖,从灰色胡须和卵形金属边眼镜后面向世界投以仁慈的微笑。He's an affable character, slightly overweight, smiling benevolently at the world from behind a gray beard and oval wire-framed glasses.

建设性的无政府主义生活方式,会导致生产力和激情。艺术、科学、游戏都神奇地与编程融为一体。A benevolently anarchistic lifestyle dedicated to productivity and passion. Art, science, and play had merged into the magical activity of programming.

各位亲爱的朋友,我的签名照片以每张7元的价格义卖,所得款项将通过建设银行捐往灾区。你们可去我博客中的相册内选照片,照片都编了号码。My dear all, with the purpose of assisting the reconstruction of disaster area, I come up with a decision of benevolently selling signed photos at 7 yuan each lately.

他看到在中国正变成全球性力量的同时正在基督化,这使得它在用自己的力量是会像美国一样负责任和仁慈。He sees the Christianization of China as happening concurrently with China becoming a global power, such that it will exercise that power as responsibly and benevolently as has the United States.