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这是一个标准的堆叠信件托盘。This is a standard stackable letter tray.

有些外壳可以堆叠,也可以放在脚轮上。Some enclosures are stackable or can be placed on casters.

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有个例子,我曾参与一个产品,它有一套堆栈视图。For example, one product I worked on had a set of stackable views.

可堆叠的垫圈狭小提供洗衣领域的最佳解决方案。Stackable washers provide a great solution for laundry areas in tight quarters.

这样就可以把蜂房摞起来,因巢框是通用尺寸,故可在蜂房间交换,人们可事先准备好巢框。This makes hives stackable and since the frames are of universal size, they can be

在那个时候,顶部有嵌条或嵌槽的可叠起堆放的塑料件被称作自动拼装积木。At the time, the stackable plastic pieces with studs on top were called the Automatic Binding Brick.

可堆叠、可移动的白板,上有钩子可以挂图,挂投影屏幕和其他物品。stackable and portble whiteboards with built in hooks for flip charts, projection screens and other items

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最后,完成了具有支持可堆叠VLAN功能的交换机,并进行了长、短帧的测试。In the meantime, the switch based on stackable VLAN is put into practice, and test for long and short frames is performed.

购买一种可循环的或可叠起堆放的肥料,并且开始一个绿色废料的堆放,它可以被用来自然地增强你的花园。Purchase a rotating or stackable composter and start a green waste pile that can be used to fortify your garden naturally.

主要生产塑料周转箱筐、垫仓板,并供应国内知名连锁超市用塑料制品。Our main products are produce baskets, stackable pallets and other plastic display accessories used for retail chain stores.

可堆叠墙壁和地面铺设元素借给自己几乎所有的景观准入要求的或设计的主题类。Stackable wall elements and ground pavers lend themselves to just about any kind of landscape access requirement or design theme.

依据当地水质的人性化设计,设想周到的堆叠式设计,占地面积小,全方位满足需求。Correspond with the local water personalized design, considerate stackable design, small floor area, which can meet considerate needs.

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切合当地水质的个性化设计,设想周到的堆叠式设计,占地面积小,全方位满足需求。Correspond with the local water personalized design, considerate stackable design, small floor area, which can meet considerate needs.

加州中部的一个葡萄酒的国家保护房主轻巧克力从侵蚀循环车道,调子堆叠模块。One Central California's wine country homeowner protects a circular driveway from erosion with light chocolate-toned stackable blocks.

有人说,“住宅就是你建在哪儿,它就一辈子永远呆在哪儿的东西,”,然而当这些绿色屋顶、可移动堆叠的住房降临人间是,那种说辞将再也无法信以为真了!It is said that “home is where you make it” and that couldn’t be more true than with these green roofed , transportable, stackable dwellings!

您可以选择从挡土墙,包括浇混凝土,传统的堆叠模块多种类型,可堆叠,并不需要迫击炮装饰块。You can choose from many types of retaining walls, including poured concrete, conventional stacked blocks, and stackable decorative blocks that need no mortar.

系统以可堆叠技术实现,每一个存储优化模块作为系统的一部分,为下层安全文件系统增加存储优化功能。Based on the research of many storage optimization methods, this thesis designed a file feature oriented storage optimization system using stackable technology.

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尽管这里给出的文法和对话管理器生成器还远远谈不上简单,但是它们可以使得制造简单、易用的工具更为容易。While the grammar and dialog manager generators presented here are far from simple themselves, their product can make the process of making simple, stackable tools easier.

夏洛特红牛聚苯硫醚直接说,可重复使用的右旋托盘是“多才多艺,持久和堆叠,而且是一个非常受欢迎的选择,运输各类货物的零售部门。Charlotte Bull of PPS Direct said the reusable D-Pallet is "versatile, durable and stackable and is a very popular choice for transporters of all types of goods in the retail sector".

例如,如果您设置了10台太阳2500P堆叠式逆变电源,总输出并行系统可扩大到25千瓦,它可以驱动整个家用电器。For example, if you set up a parallel system with 10 units of SUN-2500P stackable power inverter, the total output can be enlarged to 25KW, it can drive whole household electrical appliances.