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每一个独立的虚拟机是一个普通用户空间线程。Each individual VM has plain userspace threads.

比方说,我对虚拟存储和核心内核很熟悉For example, I know the VM and core kernel really well

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一个虚拟机失败并不意味着所有虚拟机都会失败。The failure of one VM does not mean that all other VMs fail.

腹正中下神经元控制著轴向运动。Rather, they only synapse on VM lower motor neurons ipsilaterally.

译/赵劼在虚拟机镜像中部署服务器应用程序的做法风靡一时。Hosting server applications inside VM images is all the rage today.

一个虚拟机可以使用一个顶级的单一机制向另一个发送信息。One VM can send message to another using a single, toplevel mechanism.

所有的东西都会迁移到VM类,这个类是完全无锁的。Everything else was moved to a VM class, which is completely lock-free.

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那天,上人用他温柔的声音在讲十法界的道理。That day VM was using his soft voice talking about the ten Dharma Realms.

一个线程必须附加到虚拟机,在任何其他JNI可调用之前。A thread must be attached to the VM before any other JNI calls can be made.

自动查询宿主上的每台关机状态的虚机,如果有,压缩当前虚机的VHD文件.。Query each VM in host with status equal to close, if have, compact VHD file.

vm版需要sse2才能正常运行,而这些用户得到的将是模拟器崩溃。VM requires SSE2 to function correctly which is why you are getting crashes.

现在,如果你想使用所有的CPU,就要为每个CPU建立一个或两个VM。Right now, if you want to use all of your CPUs, spawn a VM or two for each one.

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想了解更多关于VM的系统要求可以访问我们的技术问答。To find out more about the system requirements for the VM visit our Technical FAQ.

MagLev虚拟机使用的大量字节码和算法都是Ruby独有的。A number of the bytecodes and algorithms used by the MagLev VM are specific to Ruby.

他们还可以使用一个AXP虚拟刀片机,一个基本上模拟AXP硬件的虚拟机。They could also use an AXP Virtual Blade, a VM which basically emulates AXP hardware.

可以毫不夸张的说,虚拟制造技术成功的关键在于虚拟生产平台的构建情况。It is no exaggeration to say that the success of VM depends on the construction of VMP.

流通过在一些点的安全点反正检查,因此虚拟机等待。The flow goes through the safepoint check at some point anyway, so the VM waits for it.

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不但如此,Mono虚拟机目前还只能够接受原始的源代码,而经过“预编译”的.NET代码则无法执行。Also, the Mono VM only accepts raw source so no "pre-compiled" .NET code can be inserted.

另外还引入了一种实视图增量更新算法,提高了系统的实用性。A common used VM algorithm is also quoted in SEU_OLAP for the purpose of increasing practicability.

用户可以启动或停止相关配置,还可以在IDE中打开VM实例的控制台。The users can start and stop configurations and open consoles for the VM instances right inside the IDE.