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我们简称她为乔。We call her Jo for short.

乔有语言天赋。Jo has flair for language.

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乔和艾美拜访了六个家庭。Jo and Amy visited six houses.

后来,乔教授结婚。Later, Jo marries the professor.

这张明信片是娇写给莉莉的。The postcard is from Jo to Lily.

乔立即认为贝丝已经死了。Immediately Jo thought Beth was dead.

乔常以哀伤的眼神对著梅格凝视。Jo often stared at Meg with sad eyes.

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乔在她的怀里扭了扭身子,把脸转向前面。Jo twisted in her arms to face forward.

乔一直闷声不响地看着她。All the while Jo watched her in silence.

乔知道罗力很喜欢她。Jo knew that Laurie liked her very much.

罗力相信乔会嫁给他。Laurie believed that Jo would marry him.

“最好送双军鞋,”乔高声说道。"Army shoes, best to be had, " cried Jo.

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“这是湿气在蒸发哩,”乔答。"It's the dampness drying, " replied Jo.

未食五月粽,破裘唔甘放。Not food may be broken Jo well Kennedy put.

在医院里有很多有趣的工作。There're lots of interesting jo in ho itals.

乔和伊恩真是天造地设的一对儿。Jo and Ian are a perfect match for each other.

这个羞怯的小姑娘只背对裘一个人倾吐自己的心曲。To Jo alone did the shy girl tell her thoughts.

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乔发展成为专写耸人听闻的故事的作家。Jo developed into a writer of sensational stories.

乔与萨姆决定试着分开住一阵子。Jo and Sam decided to try living apart for a while.

我的朋友纪娥。威尔逊于1955年出生于曼彻斯特。My friend Jo Wilson was born in Manchester in 1955.