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它是密集型的农业There is intensive farming.

这是一个相当激烈的过程。It's quite an intensive process.

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疯狂英语集训营是什么?What is intensive training camp?

那是一个为期10天的密集训练。It was a ten-day intensive training.

一个强度量一个强度体积。A volume which is an intensive volume.

肿瘤细胞信号较强。Tumor cells had more intensive signals.

出版业目前在深切治疗中还是已经陈尸停尸间呢?Are we in intensive care or the morgue ?

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所有机动化的外出旅行都会产生二氧化碳。All motorized travel is carbon- intensive.

妈妈在重症特护病房里一连待了一星期。She remained in intensive care for a week.

只有雨滴激起密集的吧嗒声。Only the rain aroused intensive click sound.

问题被深入细致的努力解决了!The problem was solved by intensive efforts!

我们集中密集的火力向敌人攻击。We concentrated intensive fire on the enemy.

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还有,这里有强化训练班吗?And, are there any intensive training courses?

发展密集庭院经济。At last, develop intensive courtyard economies.

我想他可能是热情和密集。And I think he may be passionless and intensive.

它寻找运动员并开始密集的训练。It found the athletes and began intensive training.

记住,实时搜索可能是数据库密集型的。Keep in mind, live search can be database intensive.

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兼职及暑期课程优惠。Part-time and summer intensive courses also offered.

在那里我们受了几星期的集中训练。There we received several weeks of intensive training.

的配置是增强型命令行。Configuration of NdisWrapper is command line intensive.