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证明上扣警备锚头能拉到7000磅。Demonstrate that the make-up cathead can pull 7000 Ibs.

在实验过程中,研究人员对IBS病人进行了为期三周的观察。In the trial, the IBS patients were monitored for three weeks.

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最常见的一个身体表现就是IBS。One of the most common physical manifestations of stress is IBS.

正如我上面所提到的,基本上它就是一本关于肠易激综合症的综合指南书。As I mentioned above, it is basically a comprehensive guide about IBS.

任何一个读过这本书的人确实都能学到更多有关肠易激综合症的知识。Anyone who can read can actually learn more about IBS through this e-book.

肠道感染、精神因素、应激与IBS有关。IBS was related to intestinal infection, psychological factors and stress.

过去我们已经讨论肠易激综合症很多次了而且这种病是非常严重的。We have talked about IBS several times in the past and it is a very real condition.

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事实上,过去的6个月中莎拉·詹金斯的生活失去了控制,她的IBS也随之而来。Indeed, in the past six months as Jenkins' life spun out of control, her IBS followed.

基于此,本课题开展了中药制剂健脾导滞汤治疗IBS的临床研究。For this reason, we carry out clinical research for IBS with Jian Pi Dao Zhi decoction.

肠胃病学专家帕拉斯指出,高纤维纳入可能导致机能性肠障碍疾病恶化。Price, a specialist in gastroenterology, says the high fibre intake could exacerbate IBS.

结论IBS患者的直肠肛管压力以及胃肠激素均异常。Conclusions Anorectal pressure and gastrointestinal hormones were abnormal in patients with IBS.

为了实现我的英语梦想,我辞掉了那份“高新”脱产来到了IBS。So I quit my highly paid job snd came to IBS for study in order to achieved my dream of English.

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其他用户界面的研究表明,高达三分一的人与IBS的也有果糖吸收不良。Other UI research suggests that up to one-third of people with IBS also have fructose malabsorption.

肠易激综合征的中医证候与胃肠激素水平的变化具有相关性。There is a correlation between the TCM syndrome type of IBS and the gastrointestinal hormone levels.

仅花了四个月的时间,Crowell坚持每周12英里的慢跑,并成功地减掉了20磅肉,改善了自己的饮食习惯。After only four months, Crowell is jogging twelve miles a week, has lost 20 Ibs. and has reformed her diet.

此文主要就肠易激综合征和炎症性肠病在发病机制和临床表现上的异同作一阐述。In this review, we summarize the difference between IBD and IBS on the pathogenesis and clinical manifestation.

综合船桥系统的主要使命是实现船舶高度自动化,提高航行的安全性、经济性和有效性。The major mission of IBS is to realize high automation for ship and to enhance the safety, economy and validity.

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本研究显示国内IBS病人中枢内脑岛皮质、额前皮质可能是参与内脏感觉的主要部位。In this study, IC and PFC of the IBS patients are the major positions in the CNS processing of visceral perception.

卞兆祥结合JCM-16021中的活化成分研制出来一种从不同角度治疗IBS的新药。Bian is now combining the active extracts of JCM-16021 to develop a new drug that attacks IBS from different angles.

IBS的病因和发病机理复杂,目前主要以脑-肠轴异常理论为基础。The pathogenesis of IBS is complicated, current pathophysiologic theories are based on abnormalities of brain-gut axis.