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我们反对自然主义和进化论。We reject both naturalistic and theistic evolution.

上了一层光晕,令他也看不真切。Ascend 1 F light is dizzy, make him also watch not naturalistic.

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本案例研究是斯特林堡的著名实验中的“自然主义”的性质。This case study is Strindberg's famous experiment in the "naturalistic" character.

价值不可能用非评价性的词来定义,否则就会犯自然主义的错误。Value can never be defined in non-evaluative terms, hence the naturalistic fallacy.

18世纪兴起的具有自然主义风格的英格兰花园取代了装饰精美的花坛。The naturalistic English garden of the 18th century displaced the elaborate parterre.

通过分析,作者认为该作品不具备自然主义的关键成分——决定论和宿命论。The author presents a text-based analysis in light of naturalistic writing principles.

田山花袋是明治时期日本自然主义文学的代表作家。Tayama Katai is the representative writer of the naturalistic novels in Meiji in Japan.

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克雷恩的小说和短篇故事受到了法国自然主义作家的影响。Crane's novels and short stories, which were influenced by the French Naturalistic writers.

他非常实际地想在纯粹的自然基础上,建立起政治权威。Very practical he wants to establish political authority on purely naturalistic foundations.

尽管老空想家轻视自然主义艺术,但对其作品却能惠眼识真金。In spite of His contempt for naturalistic art, the old visionary knew a good thing when he saw it.

在方法论上,南乐山采取自然主义的进路,深受。With methodology, Nan Le-shan is deeply influenced by Whitehead and takes the naturalistic approach.

泛灵论、自然主义泛神论、盖亚理论——崇拜自然世界的信仰形形色色。From animism to naturalistic pantheism, there are various belief systems that deify the natural world.

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这部作品是人匿名发表的,其用的是方言写作,是一部博大精深的大师级作品。Written under a pseudonym, the book is a naturalistic masterpiece composed in the vernacular language.

确实在更多的自然条件下,有意识的思考时常比无意识的思考更胜一筹。Indeed in more naturalistic conditions conscious thought was sometimes superior to unconscious thought.

正是通过这些思想,德莱塞确立了自己美国自然主义思潮创始人的地位。This is just the reason why Dreiser won the title of " Naturalistic Founder" in American literary history.

但当艺术家们恢复了平静之后,他们以自然主义手法创作了一系列的雕塑和绘画作品。But as the artists recovered their poise, they produced a series of remarkably naturalistic statues and paintings.

它的重要性在于其自然主义雕刻,建筑创新和详细的碑文记载。Its importance lies rather in its naturalistic sculpture, architectural inventiveness, and detailed epigraphic record.

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作为自然诗人,中国的陶渊明与美国的弗罗斯特都对自然有一种独特的敏感性。As naturalistic poets, both the Chinese Tao Yuanming and the American Robert Frost showed particular sensitivity to nature.

他将自然主义与心理分析相结合开拓了戏剧领域里的表现主义运动。He, by combining naturalistic techniques with psychoanalysis, inaugurated the expressionistic movement in the sphere of drama.

包括利用自然设计和图案来解决现实问题的能力。Naturalistic intelligence includes an ability to draw on patterns and designs in nature in order to solve real-world problems.