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他家的人都是热心肠。His family are all kindhearted.

善良的男生和可爱的女生!Kindhearted boy and lovely girl!

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多亏一位好心人他才活了下来。He owes his life to a kindhearted man.

这位好心肠的老人救起了这条蛇。The old kindhearted man saved the snake.

他看起来很凶,其实心眼儿挺好的。He looks fierce, but in fact he's kindhearted.

这是个关于善良和勇气的故事影片!This be photoplay about kindhearted sum courage!

那个好心的老人划船把我送过了河。The kindhearted old man rowed me across the river.

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他尽管有点鲁莽,但其实心地善良。In spite of his rudeness, he is actually kindhearted.

好心肠的女主人听到一声大叫,马上赶过去。On hearing a loud cry the kindhearted landlady quickly walked in.

热心是简陋的但真实管事是困穷的。It is easy to be kindhearted but difficult to do the thing in deed.

他待人态度相当严厉,但心地确实十分善良。Underneath his rather severe manner, he is really very kindhearted.

那天多亏了古道热肠的公交车司机们,他们没有罢工。Thanks to kindhearted bus drivers that day, they did not go on strike.

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真正的善心必先有能力把他人的痛苦和欢乐想象成自己的痛苦和欢乐。True kindhearted men must be able to regard others' pain and joy as their own.

穿越天堂,直奔一个良善与光明的地方。Passes through the heaven, directly soars to one kindhearted and the bright place.

长大后的加西莫多善良聪明,但他却是个样貌奇丑面容可怖的驼子。Quasimodo was a wise and kindhearted guy, but he had an ugly face and a hunchback.

间桐樱,一个害羞但热心的学生,在前辈的微笑中找到了自己的快乐。Matou Sakura, the shy but kindhearted student who finds joy in making her senpai smile.

羊年生的女性心地善良,喜欢照顾别人,是理想的贤内助。Women born in the Year of the Sheep are kindhearted and supportive, and are ideal domestic partners.

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距今1600多年前的晋代,有个心地善良的儒生叫毛宝。During the Chin dynasty about 1,600 years ago, there was a kindhearted Confucian scholar named Mao Bao.

这是一个消磨时间的好方法,同时你也能见到一些好心且务实的人。This can be a very fulfilling way to pass time while meeting some kindhearted and down to earth people.

在打了半个小时的电话后,运通公司一位好心的主管授权了车的租借。After half an hour on the phone, a kindhearted supervisor at American Express authorized the car rental.