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维多利亚大学—曙光小屋Victoria University – FirstLight house

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维多利亚女王自1837年到1901年在位。Queen Victoria reigned from 1837 to 1901.

恩德比乌干达南部城市,位于维多利亚湖畔。A town of southern Uganda on Lake Victoria.

他被追授了一枚维多利亚十字勋章。He was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross.

位于麦克岛上的维多利亚是其首都。Victoria , on Mahé Island , is the capital.

流过河滨大街,直上维多利亚街。And along the Strand up Q en Victoria Street.

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他对维多利亚变得越来越简慢。He became increasingly offhand with Victoria.

维多利亚女王于1837年即位。Queen Victoria acceded to the throne in 1837.

她是维多利亚女王的嫡系后代。She is a direct descendant of Queen Victoria.

维多利亚,一只幼小的袋鼠在妈妈肚子的口袋里。A joey gets a ride from its mother in Victoria.

流过河滨大街,直上维多利亚街。And along the Strand, up Queen Victoria Street.

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“这是一个咖喱龙虾沙拉,”维多利亚说。"It's a curried lobster salad, " Victoria said.

这是维多利亚瀑布的空照图片。This is the aerial top view of the Victoria Falls.

维多利亚女王于1837年登上王位。Queen Victoria ascended ascended the throne in 1837.

维多利亚·格雷森汉普顿的女王。Victoria Grayson, the reigning queen of the hamptons.

维多利亚追将出来,狠命捶打房门。Victoria followed, hammering furiously upon his door.

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可在赞比亚的维多利亚瀑布结束这次旅程。End your journey on the Zambian side of Victoria Falls.

我认为戴维贝克汉夫妇真是天生一对。I think David and Victoria Beckham are a perfect match.

我很喜欢香港的维多利亚港,那里的景色太棒了。I love Hongkong's Victoria Harbour so much. The view is great.