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我们要尽量使政府工作公开化.We are trying to demystify the workings of government.

我们需要澄清和阐明卫生系统如何有益地与卫生干预规划相联系。We need to clarify and demystify how health systems link usefully to health intervention programmes.

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本文旨在通过展示事务管理如何发生,以及发生在何处来揭开这个魔术的神秘面纱。This article aims to demystify some of this magic by showing how and where the transaction management occurs.

牛津大学已经发表了今年的面试样题,这是该院校消除其录取过程神秘化的持续努力的一部分。The institution has released its annual sample of questions as part of a continuing bid to demystify its admissions process.

她的目标是要在一个学期内揭开慈善事业的神秘面纱,并帮助学生了解捐赠者的想法。Throughout the semester-long course, her goal is to demystify philanthropy and help students understand the mindset of the donor.

谈到现状,恩贾妮辛哈,国家现货交易有限公司的市场总监和首席执行官,他说,“我们的目的是将现货市场的神秘性在印度各地宣传。Speaking on the occasion, Anjani Sinha, MD &CEO, NSEL said, "We aim to demystify the benefits of the spot market to the millions across India."

“我们希望打破这个地方的神秘感,尽管这很危险也令人伤感,”说这些话时,欧德正走过贫民窟,这是他出生的地方,也是他现在生活的地方。"We want to demystify this place, that it is so dangerous and sad, " said Oduor as he walked through the slum where he was born and still lives.

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二十年后,他的那些不受话语影响的学生将创造出比南丁格尔的饼图更具活力的方法,来阐明全球社会经济发展趋势。Twenty years later his word-proof students would get something altogether more dynamic than Nightingale's pie charts to demystify global socioeconomic trends.

我们试图阐明这些常见错误,并提供解决方案,以帮助普通的Linux用户规避这些问题,并使他们的系统回到正常状态。We want to demystify these common errors, and provide solutions that should help ordinary Linux users side-step the problem and get their machine back on track.

最成功的,就是绝迹让科学不再那么神秘化,使科学变的更酷,更好接近,同时玩家们会认识到科学在这个世界上真实的一面。At its most successful, Vanished will demystify science, make it cooler and more approachable, and players will recognize the real impact science has on the world.

这些新闻会可以让贝南克为美联储褪去一直广受非议的神秘面纱.由于采取非常规举措应对危机,美联储受到了尖锐的批评.The news conferences will allow Bernanke to demystify the notoriously secretive Fed, which has faced sharp criticism for its unconventional crisis-fighting efforts.

在面对公众提问时,伯南克试图揭掉联储头上的神秘面纱.至于有人称联储近乎拥有完全不受约束的权力,其角色相当于政府的"第四部门",伯南克特别对此做出了辩驳.Bernanke sought to demystify the role of the Federal Reserve, and especially debunk ideas that the Fed has almost unfettered power as an unelected fourth branch of government.

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但提醒称,“大家应带有保留地看待预测”,这是“用通俗的解释分析法,让分析框架浅显化”的一次尝试。However, they warned "this report should be taken with a pinch of salt" and that it is an exercise to "lightheartedly explain quantitative techniques and demystify the typical quant framework.

但他们同时提醒称,“大家应带有保留地看待这一预测”,这是“用通俗的方式解释数量分析法,让数量分析框架浅显化”的一次尝试。However, they warned "this report should be taken with a pinch of salt" and that it is an exercise to "light-heartedly explain quantitative techniques and demystify the typical quant framework.