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培养你的这些资质。Foster these aptitudes.

想鼓励团队合作?Want to foster teamwork?

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“是的”,“佛斯特”女士说。“Yeah,” Ms. Foster said.

他看着福斯特警官。He looked at Sergeant Foster.

“是的”,“佛斯特”女士说。“Yeah,” Ms. Foster said. “I was.

他准备与福斯特竞选。He is going to run against Foster.

我是由我的养母养大的。I am raised up by my foster mother.

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福斯特警官等在门边。Sergeant Foster waited by the door.

这样的人成为养父母。These people are called foster parents.

对朱迪·福斯特和西格妮·韦弗心存幻想。Fancy Jodie Foster and Sigourney Weaver.

积极培育志愿服务队伍。It will actively foster volunteer teams.

为了培植那些鲜花,关爱和照顾是必不可少的。To foster those flowers, caring is a need.

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作为被收养的孩子他们的年纪有些偏大。They look a little old for foster children.

每个小孩对寄养家庭的认知都有所不同。Each child to foster cognitive is different.

比利被移送到托管人家,加入了流氓团伙。Billy removed to foster care and joins a gang.

眼泪帮助沟通,而且促进社区。Tears help communication and foster community.

它们不鼓励创新,反而抑制它。They don’t foster innovation, they inhibit it.

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符思特先生最近刚庆祝他91岁生日。Mr. Foster recently celebrated his 91st birthday.

说白了,就是提前培养感情呗。Say white, be foster sensibilities Bai in advance.

无家可归对“佛斯特”女士有怎样的影响呢?What was the effect of homelessness on Ms. Foster?