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操作气动绞车。Operate the air winch.

我们可以用绞车拔起这些大树根。We can winch out these big tree roots.

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去年我们对绞车大修过一次。We had the winch overhauled last year.

这木桩一定是用来防止绞盘松开的。This peg must prevent the winch from unwinding.

工作人员正以绞盘牵引过磅的重车。Workers were hauling a loaded train by a winch.

检查锚机及绞车的各轴承间隙。Check the bearing clearance of windlass and winch.

不,1舱的绞车电机不能工作。Winch motors of No. 1 derrick operational in 30minutes.

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自坑内取出之捲扬机,固定于水泥制展示台上。The winch used inside the mine was took out for displaying.

车前的绞线盘,驾驶员说这东西很好而且很可靠。A winch is in front. The drivers say it's good and reliable.

有提升绞盘,负载反光镜和一套双挂钩系统。Winch upgrade, load and a set of dual-reflector system link.

四驱车需备有良好的配备和绞车。Enhanced off road equipment is required. A winch is desirable.

它是一种水路两栖载具,所以配备有绞盘和水炮。It's an amphibious vehicle, which has a winch and a water cannon.

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介绍了开关磁阻电机调速系统的构成、工作原理和特点,及其在煤矿矸石山绞车上的应用。It also gives the application of SRD in the mine winch of waste rock.

它的马达是一根橡皮筋,必须旋转很多次直到旋紧为止。The motor of this cargo winch rotates too quickly . It needs readjusting.

然后操作绞车的收揽和放揽指令。Then operate the winch in haul-in direction and then in payout direction"."

直到下午很晚电工才开始修起货机。It's not till late afternoon that the electrician began to repair the winch.

购买绞车可以是一项艰巨的任务,特别是如果你是在预算。Purchasing a winch can be a daunting task especially if you are on a budget.

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绞缆机电源与四仓起货机电源是连锁的。The capstan power is inter locked with the power of the No. 4 hold cargo winch.

描述选择最优马达、轮和绞盘尺寸所需的计算。Describes the calculations needed to choose the optimum motor, wheel and winch sizes.

卷扬机等小型机械,根据工程的需要规划摆放位置。Small equipment like the winch shall be placed as is required by the project planning.