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会场上顿时沸腾起来了。The meeting hall was seething at once.

现在别进他的办公室,他正在大发脾气。Don't go into his office now, he's seething.

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他们跌进了翻腾的急流中。They fell into the seething waters of the rapids.

然而事与愿违,他们来到了一个不信任程度达到鼎沸的峰会。Instead, they arrived at a summit seething with mistrust.

人们并不满意,为了改变他们已经沸腾了。The masses are discontented . They’re seething for change.

20从牠鼻孔冒出烟来,如烧开的锅和点著的芦苇。Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron.

我个人写的东西都是烦躁不安的诗句,在我内心深处翻腾躁动。What was my own was the restlessness, the seething tension within me.

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炎炎夏日,阳伞成为女士们外出时的必带物品。In a summer of seething heat, a parasol becomes a necessity for ladies.

至于人民,昨天还很激奋,可是今晨却没有动静了。As for the populace, it was seething yesterday, to-day it is not stirring.

奥琳普回来时怒气冲冲,玛格丽特则在昏厥中被抬了回去。She came back seething . Marguerite, who had fainted, had to be carried home.

那里,几乎可以说曾经是天花和黑死病生生不息的污水坑。It was a kind of cesspit constantly seething with smallpox and bubonic plague.

炎炎夏日,阳伞成为女士们外出时的必带物品。In a summer of seething heat, a parasol becomes a necessity for ladies outside.

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最近,广东地产界对今年房价走向日益沸沸扬扬。Recently, Canton real estate sector towards increasing prices for this year seething.

当贵族依旧骄横跋扈时,这个国家充满了不满情绪。The nation was seething with discontent as the noblemen continued their arrogant ways.

他的油画沸腾着原始的力量和活力,但同时又有浓郁的美。His paintings are seething with raw power and energy, but they also have a dark beauty.

由此得出结论,说他是一个脾气暴躁,易于激动的人,那是十分错误的。It would be quite wrong to think of him as a hot-blooded man seething with temperament.

就尼克松的支持者而言,喧腾争鸣的六十年代也是一个无法排忧解烦的愤懑年代。As far as Nixon's supporters were concerned, the swinging sixties were the seething sixties.

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许多美国官员还依然为2007年的反卫星导弹测试耿耿于怀。Many American officials are still seething at China's test of an anti-satellite missile in 2007.

据说,公众的情绪表明"恐惧、抑郁、绝望、极度的愤怒兼而有之"。The public mood is said to be "a mixture of fear, depression, hopelessness, and seething anger."

也许,任何社会最不吉祥的征兆是它有一批在经济上永远翻不了身的人在你眼前晃来晃去。Perhaps the most ominous sign for any society is the seething presence of a permanent underclass.