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鳄鱼问…为什么你这么安静?。"Why are you so quiet?" the caiman asked.

巴西潘塔诺尔地方一头美洲虎和一条凯门鳄大战。A jaguar and a caiman battle in the Pantanal region of Brazil.

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最后,因此,我们可以说些什么关于凯曼分类?In conclusion, therefore, what can we say about caiman taxonomy?

在某些情况下,其他动物也可能甚至把你的食物凯门鳄的!In some cases, other animals may even regard your caiman as food!

成年鳄鱼是相当有能力粉碎壳小乌龟的。An adult caiman is quite capable of crushing a smaller turtle's shell.

有几个其他假定亚凯门鳄鳄值得一提。There are a few other putative subspecies of Caiman crocodilus worth mentioning.

某次尸检发现,一头死亡的凯门鳄的胃里发现一把大鱼钩。During an autopsy, one dead caiman was found to have a large fishing hook in its stomach.

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然而,对于大多数家庭的调校,建议保持独立的外壳中的凯门鳄。However, for most home set-ups, it is recommended to keep the caiman in a separate enclosure.

附近需要的所有帮助它可以,但没有援助团体来僵局凯门鳄街。The neighborhood needs all the help it can get, but no aid groups have come to Impasse Caiman Street.

您的兽医也觉得这些信息非常有用的,如果有一天你的凯门鳄需要治疗。Your vet will also find this information very useful if the day comes that your caiman requires treatment.

不过这澡可有点恐怖——搁浅的鱼,有时还有晒干的鳄鱼都是泥浴的骇人伴侣。It's a gruesome bath though – suffocating fish and the occasional sun dried caiman are grisly bath buddies.

我已经说明了一些迂回路线,我们已经采取措施来达成我们目前的凯门鳄命名。I have illustrated some of the circuitous routes we have taken to arrive at our present caiman nomenclature.

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这些现存的恐龙一点也不担心洪水,鳄鱼们占尽了汹涌大水的好处。Not a problem for these living dinosaurs caiman wade in taking full advantage of the cascading flood waters.

一个侏儒凯门鳄被突然出现的弯曲的尾巴轻轻地向上或施加压力,发泄端的。A dwarf caiman being popped by bending the tail gently upwards and applying pressure to either side of the vent.

爱兹列尔则把传统的犹太精神与当代复国主义运动结合起来,前赴犹太故土巴勒斯坦。Caiman gives up his manor for the prayer room, while Ezriel combines the Jewish spirit with modem movement of Zionism.

保护区为许多珍稀濒危动物提供保护,例如巨骨舌鱼、亚马逊海牛、黑凯门鳄和两种淡水豚类。The site protects key threatened species, including giant arapaima fish, the Amazonian manatee, the black caiman and two species of river dolphin.

杂食性的水虎在这些河流的生态环境中扮演的非常关键的角色,它们在扮演昆虫、鱼的猎食者的同时也被河豚、鳄鱼和其他大型鱼类所猎食。They are omnivorous and play a key part in the ecology of these rivers eating fish plants and insects but also acting as prey for dolphins, caiman and larger fish.

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哥亚尼亚动物园拥有大约600只动物,在有47头动物死亡后于7月21日关闭,死亡的动物包括一头狮子,2匹河马,一只食蚁兽和一只凯门鳄。Goiania's zoo, which houses about 600 animals, closed its gates on 21 July after the deaths of 47 animals, including a lion, a jaguar, two hippos, an ant-eater and a caiman.

正如我前面提到,黑凯门鳄了混乱命名的历史,尽管人们已经认识到,因为它第一次描述为一个独特的鳄鱼。As I alluded to earlier, the black caiman has had a confusing nomenclatural history despite the fact that it has been recognized since it was first described as a unique crocodilian.

它能装下美国大多数的州,有分布在河边湖边摇摇欲坠的屋子和珍稀物种,像粉色淡水豚和黑色凯门鳄。Most of the continental U.S. could fit into the massive jungle, and the surrounding rivers and lakes house threatened and vulnerable species like the pink river dolphin and black caiman.