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他的前额因害了水痘而留下许多麻点。His forehead was pitted by chicken pox.

水痘是儿童时期的常见病。Chicken pox is a common childhood sickness.

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出水痘时发高烧,可以吃退烧药吗?When chicken pox fever, antipyretics can eat it?

用两个星期可以减轻脸上的痘印。Can be reduced by two weeks to face pox and India.

丽塔祛Q痘D嗏。祛痘不留痕效果不错哦!Rita D Cha Qu Q pox. Acne Oh good results without leaving marks!

这种禽痘往往造成眼睛周围和嘴部发生病变。This form of avian pox causes lesions, often around the eyes and beak.

对山羊痘病变及山羊痘病毒进行了比较详细的透射电镜观察。The immunological effects of three goat pox vaccines have been compared.

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你可以搜痘全赃官网看看精细引见。You can search the whole bribetaker pox look fine introductions network.

治疗青春痘误区二、用手不停的挤痘,以为挤完就好了。Acne errors II pox hand kept squeezing, squeezing that finished just fine.

例如伤风,流行性感冒,麻疹,腮腺炎,水痘和肺炎。Examples are colds, influenza, measles, mumps, chicken pox , and pneumonia.

你可以到痘全赃官方网站检查精细状况。Pox you can go to the official website of stolen checks all fine condition.

下次记得痘痘快好的时分涂,就不会留下痘印了。I remember hours of acne fast right next coated, printed pox will not leave.

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带状疱疹由水痘一带状疱疹病毒引起,该病毒还能引起水痘。Shingles is caused by varicella-zoster virus, which also causes chicken pox.

了解2007年河南省水痘疫情发生情况及流行特征。T0 understand the status and epidemic features of Chicken pox in Henan of 2007.

麻疹和水痘疫苗也是由经稀释的活病毒制成。The measles and chicken pox vaccines also are made from a live attenuated virus.

水痘主要发生在冬季和春季,但随时可能发生的一年。Chicken pox occurs mostly in winter and spring, but can happen any time of the year.

一天之后他出疹子,被诊断为水痘,他被送回家。A day later he developed a rash that was diagnosed as chicken pox and he was sent home.

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麦道夫的种子是如何已经扎根洛矶山区并蔓延开来,仍然是不解之谜。How the Madoff pox had found its way to the Rockies and spread, however, was still unclear.

那时候,人们患心脏病的几率很低,他们更担心的是瘟疫和痘疹。Heart attack was the least of their worries. They were more concerned about the plague and pox.

“那是讲给傻瓜听的,”“市民”说,那位花花公子所缔造的该死的梅毒倒比和平来得多些。Tell that to a fool, says the citizen. There's a bloody sight more pox than pax about that boyo.