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先来总结一下。Here's a summary.

文章的小结。A summary of the article.

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总结一下上节课的内容So, summary of last time.

编制项目总结报告。Makes project summary reports.

验收总结报告?。ASR? acceptance summary report?

他的摘要把诗散文化了。His summary prosifies the poem.

接下来,检查导入摘要。Next, check the import summary.

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这是一个简易程序的除外。This is a summary of exclusions.

汇总表都与速度有关。Summary tables are all about speed.

第一张工作表是汇总表。The first sheet is the summary sheet.

下面是这些公司的产品推介的一个总结。We have a summary of the pitches below.

这是对Tylenol案例的很好的总结。A very good summary of the Tylenol case.

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请把内容简单扼要地讲一讲。Give me a brief summary of the contents.

你应该把这个报告做的更简略。You should make this repot more summary.

第8章为总结与展望部分。Chapter 8 is the summary and forecasting.

结语部分对本课题研究所做的总结。Peroration is a summary of this research.

产生工具和图形的小结Summary of generated tooling and graphics

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最后这段话概括性很强。The last paragraph is a succinct summary.

请为我扼要说明产品的规格。Please give me a summary of product specs.

他为他的发明写了一个简明的要。He wrote a concise summary of his invention.