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被烈日晒伤皮肤该怎么办?How should be done by skin of intense insolation injury?

日射纱窗风撼扉,香罗拭手春事违。Insolation wind screens to shake Fei, Chun Hong Lo hand swab things illegal.

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近年来夏季月平均日照时数在减少。Monthly mean insolation hours have been decreasing in summer in recent years.

日照时间和光照强度也可以影响透光层的深度。Day length and insolation intensity also controls the extent of the photic zone.

具有良好的耐久性,虽在长期暴晒之后,仍可发挥其与上层之间的亲合力。Good lasting property, still good appetency with above coating after long-term insolation.

春夏日晒后皮肤痒,鼻子红什么怎么回事,该用什么药?The skin after Chun Xia insolation is urticant, red what returns nose thing, what drug should use?

洗干净了.放在水里煮熟再晒干就行了,而在这些海产品的加工点里。Put in water to thoroughly cook again insolation went, and in the treatment dot in these sea products.

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家庭主妇更是翻箱倒柜,将过季的夏装和即将使用的冬装及被褥翻出来,清洗曝晒。Housewives are Life, a quarter will be renovated and used clothing and bedding through out cleansing insolation.

我说愿为你当那座受五百年风吹五百年日晒的石桥。I say let the seat for you by five hundred years when the wind blowing five hundred years insolation stone bridge.

日照环境对居民身心健康和住区生态化发展进程有十分重要的意义,必须给予足够的关注。Insolation is essential to the health of inhabitant as well as to ecological development of residence communities.

一是采用推算的或实测的海洋净得太阳辐射能量。对两种估算结果进行了讨论。The other is based on the net radiation energy income from solar insolation either of measured values or of deduced ones.

单晶电池的能量输出随着光照水平基本呈线性变化。The energy output from a monocrystalline cell varies with insolation level in an almost linear fashion across its operating range.

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采用小型隔声箱体对几种地板的轻量撞击声隔声特性进行了研究。Characteristics of light impact sound insulation for the floors were studied through adopting small size sound insolation instrument.

在晾置期间,要保持新居内空气的流通,避免雨淋及曝晒,还可采用一些去除气味的清洁剂。Hanging in the home, new homes to maintain air circulation and avoid rain and insolation can be applied to remove some of the detergents smell.

“日晒伤”的发生几率与紫外线强弱、照射时间以及个体体质差异有关。" Insolation is hurt " produce odds and ultraviolet ray to lose by force, irradiation time and individual constitution difference are concerned.

首先可以考虑植物型的修复面膜,如植物舒缓面膜,就很适合日晒后脆弱而敏感性皮肤。Can consider a plant above all model repair face film, if the plant is slow face film, after suiting insolation very much flimsy and sensitivity skin.

这就是你从海边暴晒归来的一段时间内,不但长斑和变黑,而且很长时间都难以恢复的原因。This is you from seashore insolation return period of time, not only long spot and nigrescence , moreover the very long time with difficulty restores reason.

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“表面气象学与太阳能”数据集网站提供全球1个经度和纬度范围内的日晒数据。The Surface Meteorology and Solar Energy Data Set web site offers global insolation data broken down into 1 degree of longitude by 1 degree of latitude cells.

秦艽的加工方法包括微波,烘干,蒸透,暴晒,掸透,晾干,并研究了储藏的温度条件。The processing methods included microwave-drying, drying, braising , insolation , steaming and airing, the temperature condition stored had also been studied.

重者换药,加用扑尔敏、激素或静注葡萄糖酸钙,过敏反应应避免日晒。The person that weigh changes medicine, add use chlorpheniramine , hormone or static note dextrose acerbity calcium, allergic reaction should avoid insolation.