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节制是得胜的爱。Meekness is love's comeliness.

神也在培育种植提升他的温文。God was cultivating meekness in Moses.

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他表面上的柔顺使人人受骗。His apparent meekness deceives everyone.

你准备好来学习这个温柔的功课吗?Are you ready for the lesson of meekness?

温柔意味着你有一个受教的精神。Meekness means you have a teachable spirit.

我们怎样才能培养出温柔的个性?How do we develop this character of meekness?

温顺是他所欣赏的妻子的优点之一。Meekness is a virtue he appreciates in his wife.

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接受这样的事实,可以让我们变得谦卑、破碎和良善。Accepting this is wisdom which causes humility, brokenness and meekness.

他就当在智慧的温柔上,显出他的善行来。let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom.

我们必须进基督的学校,学他柔和谦卑的样式。We are to enter the school of Christ, to learn from Him meekness and lowliness.

然而,“温柔”真正的意义和这些描述完全不符合。The true meaning of the word "meekness" has nothing to do with these descriptions.

暗影戴上她的面幕,机密地,和缓地,用她的沉默的爱的足步,跟在“光”后边。Shadow with her veil drawn follows Light in secret meekness with her silent steps of love.

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吉他T恤是一款跨越极客走向主流的产品。The guitar shirt is a product that really crossed over from meekness to a mainstream product.

实际上,当你有能力伤害某人,但你却没这样做,这就是最能彰显温柔的时刻。In fact, meekness manifests itself most when you have the power to hurt someone, but you don't.

观察到这头骆驼脾气温顺驯服,他又鼓起了接近牠的勇气。Perceiving the meekness and gentleness of the camel's temper, he summoned the courage to approach it.

就是孝敬点我们也是他的心,您不会连这点便宜也要占吧?Be show filial meekness to order we are also his centers, you can't even this cheapness also want to have?

在第2章中,如果我们有了教义上的背道,我们必须知道真理并且用温柔和能力传讲它。In chapter 2, if and when we have doctrinal apostasy, we must know the truth and proclaim it in meekness and in power.

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在第2章中,如果我们有了教义上的背道,我们必须知道真理并且用温柔和能力传讲它。In chapter 2, if and when we have doctrinal apostasy , we must know the truth and proclaim it in meekness and in power.

当你有能力破坏那些背叛你的人的信心时,你却没这样做,就是最能彰显温柔的时刻。Meekness manifests itself most when you have the power to undermine the confidence in those who betray you, but you don't.

真实伟大的朴实无华,真实智慧的虚怀若谷,和真实力量的温和蕴藉。Remember the simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom, and the meekness of true strength. by Douglas MacArthur.