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研磨红铜叉,镀银上镀铑,120线孔,螺丝锁紧。One 120 cable terminating hole with set screw.

但是它未提到终止条件。But it makes no mention of the terminating condition.

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对赛季中终止合约的限制Restriction on terminating a contract duringthe season

学习开始及终止苏急救之适应时机。Learn the indications for and terminating resuscitation.

为非模态对话框提供一致的终止命令。Use consistent terminating commands for modeless dialog boxes.

滴水嘴和其它怪物形状的排水口。Rain spouts terminating in gargoyles and other grotesque creatures.

教师工会对付改革者是出了名的心狠手辣。The teachers’ unions have an impressive record of terminating reformers.

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两人表示他们的医生告诫他们不要中止第二次妊辰。Their doctor argued against terminating the second pregnancy, they said.

死胡同,尽头是一个卖柳条筐的小商店。They faced a dead end, terminating in a small shop selling wicker baskets.

我会说‘我开除你是因为你没有达到绩效考核标准。’I may say ‘I'm terminating you because you didn't meet performance measures.

在十进位中,有理数的位数有限,或者可以重复。In decimal form, rational numbers are either terminating or repeating decimals.

能形成终止型发夹结构而使在操纵子进行的转录停止。Can form a terminating hairpin structure that stops transcription of the operon.

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对于没有实施的授信额度,依照约定条件和规定予以终止。Terminating the unimplemented credit line according to the covenants and provisions.

公司在裁员时经常用诸如公司“转制”或者“重组”之类的措词。Companies use terms such as transformation or reconstruction when terminating people.

某种意义上,我通过这节课再次证明了,行为经济学的胜利In a sense, I'm terminating this lecture with another triumph for behavioral economics.

清偿是合同终止、债权债务关系消灭的法定原因。Discharge has the legal effect of terminating contract and debtor-creditor relationship.

连接池有助于减少创建和终止数据库代理方面的开销。Connection pooling helps reduce the overhead of creating and terminating database agents.

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口区第三片小膜由三排平行的动基列紧密排列而成,下端高于小膜1末端。P3 consists of three parallel, closely arranged ciliary rows, terminating adstomally above P1.

插入程序的运作方式是不当地结束文字字串并附加新的命令。The injection process works by prematurely terminating a text string and appending a new command.

有一些启动和停止操作可以通过调度实现,而另外一些则可以根据负载自动进行。Some of the launching and terminating is done on a schedule, and some is done in response to load.