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上面这幅土卫二的高分辨率图片,是卡西尼探测器近距离掠过时拍摄的。Pictured above, a high resolution image of Enceladus is shown from a close flyby.

土卫二对于我这外行人的大脑来说似乎是一个样本返回任务的明显选择。Enceladus seems tomy layman's brain to be an obvious choice for a sample return mission.

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它也可以帮助科学家判断恩克拉多斯是否存在生命所必需的环境条件。It would alsohelp them determine whether Enceladus has the conditions necessary forlife.

正是这样的结果,让我们相信土卫二是太阳系中我们找到的最令人感到激动的地点。Results like this make Enceladus one of the most exciting places we've found in the solar system.

一个30帧序列显示卡西尼号的方法对土卫二上的2010年8月13号冰冷的羽毛。A 30-frame sequence showing Cassini's approach to the icy plumes of Enceladus on August 13th, 2010.

这种由下而上的加热使土卫二和木卫二都能在其冰凉寒冷的表面下蕴藏海洋。Such heating from below allows both Enceladus and Europa to harbour oceans under their cold, icy surfaces.

土卫二为何如此活跃还是个未解之谜,因为与土卫二毗邻、大小相近的土卫一似乎寂若死灰。Why Enceladus is active remains a mystery, as the neighboring moon Mimas, approximately the same size, appears quite dead.

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每当那些附近的卫星飞过,他们给恩克拉多斯引力采摘,使其弯曲和伸展略有下降。Every time those nearby satellites fly by, they give Enceladus a gravitational pluck, causing it to flex and stretch slightly.

科学家们相信,在木卫一、木卫四及土卫二的冰壳下存在着液态形式的海洋。Scientists believe liquid oceans exist beneath the frozen surfaces of Jupiter's Europa and Callisto, as well as Saturn's Enceladus.

内圈卫星一般缺少这样的颜色,这是因为土卫二会喷出冰状的物质形成新的保护层。The inner moons are largely devoid of such coloration, thanks to a fresh coat of icy material that spews out from the moon Enceladus.

在这幅未被加工的图像中,阳光沿着土星卫星恩克拉多斯的外缘照出一个新月形的光弧,并使薄雾状的羽毛状喷射更为明显。In this unprocessed image, sunlight brightens a crescent curve alongthe edge of Saturn's moon Enceladus and highlights its misty plume.

可以在图片左边看到土卫二Enceladus,它被蓝色包裹,拖着冰块组成的羽翼绕着土星飞行。The moon Enceladus is also captured on the left, swathed in blue and trailing its plume of water ice particles through Saturn's E ring.

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美国国家航空和宇宙航行局卡西尼号探测器在土星最外层的环中观测到了被认为是由恩塞拉都斯卫星喷射出来的盐。NASA's Cassini probe observed the salts in Saturn's outermost ring, which is believed to be composed of material ejected from Enceladus.

土星的卫星土卫二是一个去“微生物钓鱼”最有前途的地方,虽然它在惊人的十亿英里之外。The Saturnian moon Enceladus is one of the most promising places to go "microbefishing" though it is a staggering one billion miles away.

一个艺术家的图画展现了卡西尼号飞船飞过冰冷的土卫二上一个不断喷出水汽和尘埃的间歇泉时的情景。An artist's rendering shows the Cassini spacecraft flying past a geyser of water vapor and dust erupting from Saturn's icy moon Enceladus.

问题是如果有生命存在在太阳系的其它地方,那他一定是生活在像火星,欧罗巴和恩克拉多斯的地下。The problem is that if life exists elsewhere in the solar system it must be living underground on places like Mars, Europa, and Enceladus.

卡西尼号飞船在2005年和2007年迅速飞过土卫二时观测了透过羽状物的星星的闪烁光亮。The Cassini spacecraft observed the way the plume dimmed starlight shining from behind as the probe zipped past Enceladus in 2005 and 2007.

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矛盾的是,地面观测土卫二喷发所造成的土星E环冰晶,却没发现预期要有的钠组成。Conversely however, recent Earth-based observations of ice ejected by Enceladus into Saturn's E-Ring showed no evidence of the expected sodium.

卡西尼号土星探测器最近发现了可能能够证明在冰冷的土星卫星土卫二的地下存在着地下海洋的确切的证据。The Cassini spacecraft has found what may be the strongest evidence yet that Saturn’s tiny moon Enceladus has an ocean beneath its icy surface.

去年十一月对土星的卫星恩克拉多斯的最新研究巩固了认为其崎岖的表面之下蕴藏着大量热水的看法。Just last November new studies of Saturn’s moon Enceladus strengthened the case for a reservoir of warm water buried beneath its craggy surface.