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那么,三聚氰胺怎么伤害你呢?So how can melamine hurt you?

三聚氰胺的一般用途是什么?What is melamine generally used for?

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三聚氰酸是三聚氰胺的副产品。Cyanuric acid is a melamine byproduct.

我本人宁愿不吃任何含三聚氰胺的东西。I'd rather not eat any melamine at all.

美耐皿餐具能否用于微波炉?Can I use melamine tableware in microwave?

三聚氰胺是一种三嗪类含氮杂环有机化合物。Melamine is a small polar triazine compound.

板面为高密度板,外覆三聚氰胺面,颜色可选。Board MDF coated with melamine surface colors.

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是否在其它食品中也发现有三聚氰胺?Has melamine been found in other food products?

三聚氰胺是如何掺入小麦麸子的呢?How did the melamine wind up in the wheat gluten?

动物实验中,三聚氰胺本身会引起膀胱结石。Melamine alone causes bladder stones in animal tests.

如果客户付开模费用,客户是否拥有模具所有权?How long does it take to make my own melamine tooling?

三聚氰胺中毒的症状和迹象有哪些?What are the symptoms and signs of melamine poisoning?

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美耐皿餐具适用于多少温度?What is the temperature that melamine tableware can take?

我们是专业生产密胺餐具的工厂。We are specialized in producing melamine tableware factory.

美耐皿餐具在生产过程中,模具的温度大约是几度?What is the melamine tableware mold temperature in production?

人们食用三聚氰胺后的健康后果是什么?What are the health effects of melamine consumptions in humans?

表面采用三聚氰胺树脂,平整度高,表面耐磨。Surface uses melamine and has flatness high, abrasion-resisting.

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料材选用原料密胺精制而成。Selection of wood materials from refining raw materials melamine.

卫生部解释称,三聚氰胺已被列入非食用物质名单中。Melamine is now on a list of "inedible materials," the ministry said.

同时,大部分餐馆使用含有三聚氰胺的筷子就餐。Also, most restaurant¬s use the hated melamine chopsticks for dine-in.