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这是我对他私下的评价”。I rated him from the off.

大公国际对这笔债券给出了AAA评级。Dagong rated the debt AAA.

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他这位诗人受到很高的评价。He is highly rated as a poet.

他的房屋被估价为一百万英镑。He was rated as a midshipman.

他被定为海军学校见习生的等级。He was rated as a midshipman.

他高度评价了这一成就。He rated the achievement high.

我被父亲痛骂了一顿。I was soundly rated by my father.

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疼痛幅度大约在0到21分之间变化。Pain was rated on a 0-to-21 scale.

而无权一组给出的分值为7.2。Low-power participants rated it 7.2.

该社对总共57个国家进行了评级。Bloomberg rated a total of 57 countries.

电缆交流额定电压为750V。Rated AC voltage of the cables covers 750V.

金银条,金银块或金银片。Buildings are rated silver, gold or platinum.

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最后,他们再把各种疾病重排一遍。Finally, they rated all the conditions again.

生产厂名,型号,规格,额定电压。Manufacturer's name, type, size, rated voltage.

编辑和用户们是如何对该网站进行评估的?How is the dating site rated by editors and users?

单相脉宽调制IOH额定三五安培每阶段。Single Phase IOH PWM rated at 35 Ampere per Phase.

这些交流电机的额定电流有多大?How many is the rated current of these alternators?

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Loomis亦出脱"AA"评级债券,买入"BBB-"级债券.Loomis also is buying AA and BBB-minus rated bonds.

今天,这一集的额定提请293瓦的功率。Today that set is rated to draw 293 watts of power.

公厕评定将从一星级一直到五星级。Public toilets will be rated from one to five stars.