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我在为潘计划安排一个派对。I am planning a party for Pam.

潘和汤姆在看一张广告。Pam and Tom are reading an ad.

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“特莱西-吉尔的母亲,”帕姆说。“Tracy Gill’s mother, ” Pam said.

晚上好,我的名字是潘琼斯。Good evening, my name is Pam Jones.

我没有唱歌,原因是帕姆在那儿。I didn’t sing becanse Pam was there.

帕姆来电话了,她今晚不能来。Pam called and she can’t come tonight.

马宏与他在科罗拉多州的前妻通了电话。Mahone calls his ex-wife Pam in Colorado.

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你好,潘恩。汤姆,向潘思问好,谢谢。你好。Hi, Pam. Tom, say hello to Pam, please. Hello.

柏姆无法明白毕竟发生了什么事。Pam clearly saw in her mind what would happen.

帕姆说她弄不明白保罗为什么变得这么讨人厌了呢。Pam said she didn’t see why Paul was being so pissy.

帕姆·史莱弗曾有过一次在比赛中与一大群蜜蜂斗争的经历。Pam Shriver once had to contend with a swarm of bees.

潘在街上遇到以前的同事彼得。Pam bumps into an ex-colleague, Peter, on the street.

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结果表明,蒙脱土以片层结构分布在聚合物基体中。The results show that MMT lamellas exfoliate from PAM matrix.

自从1984年以来我便没有交过女朋友了,上一个和Pam一起过的圣诞节是1983年的圣诞节。No girlfriend since 1984, last Christmas with Pam was in 1983.

“你本来有机会为这个片子签约雇佣演员,”帕姆说。“You had your chance to sign on with this project, ” Pam said.

潘再走了一段路后遇见老朋友苏西。A bit further down the street, Pam bumps into an old friend, Susie.

午餐之后,我陪同帕梅拉去参加她的第一次电视专访。After the lunch, I accompanied Pam to her first television interview.

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马宏与他在科罗拉多州的前妻通了电话。她希望他能再返家园,回到她身边。Mahone calls his ex-wife Pam in Colorado. She wants him to come home.

“努力干吧,不要妥协,绝不要满足不费吹灰之力的交易,”帕姆说。“Work hard, don’t compromise, never settle for the easy deal, ” Pam said.

用家兔作为实验动物,考察PAM对眼及皮肤的刺激性。The irritant indexes of PAM to eyes and skin were investigated in rabbits.