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关键性转折始于09年中期。A pivotal turn began midyear.

它反映了直到年中依然相对强劲的经济。It reflects the relatively strong economy until midyear.

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如今的经济刺激方案在年中会停止刺激GDP增长。The current stimulus package will stop boosting GDP growth by midyear.

如果得到监管机构的批准,这笔交易预计在今年年中会完成。Subject to regulatory approval, the deal is expected to be completed by midyear.

然而,比亚迪汽车的销量在去年年中就开始下滑,而中国整体汽车市场的销量却大幅增长。Yet, BYD's sales began slumping midyear even as sales in China's overall auto market surged.

三星作为网络电视的先锋将在年中为13个国家提供17个网络频道模式。Samsung, which brands the initiative Internet@TV, will offer 17 models in 13 countries by midyear.

OCLC说,审查委员会将提交一份新的政策草案提供给其领导在“2010年中”批准。OCLC says the review board will submit a new draft policy to its leadership for approval "in midyear 2010."

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美国普查局的数字显示,65岁及以上人口在2008年年中达到了5.06亿。The number of people 65 and older hit about 506 million as of midyear 2008, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

一些分析师估计将出隐“双底”的衰退,经济删加正在财政刺激方案的短期提振后,正在年外前后将再度减弱。Some analysts expect a double-dip recession, with growth fading again after a short-lived boost from the fiscal stimulus around midyear.

从广义上讲,该系统应自动化,并能处理性能规划、临时和年中的进展情况审查、年度考核。In broad terms, the system should automate and handle performance planning, interim and midyear progress reviews, and annual appraisals, the announcement said.

但此项交易的融资和政府审批尚未完成,不过福特汽车预计最终协议将在2010年第一季度签署,出售将在年中完成。But financing of the deal and government approvals have yet to be completed, though Ford expects a definitive agreement to be signed in the first quarter of 2010 and the sale finished by midyear.