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到达金钟站。Arriving admiralty station.

该分庭一直行使海事管辖权。This division continued to exercise the admiralty jurisdiction.

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在金钟监狱他接受了精心治疗和教育。Admiralty in prison, he accepted the well-treatment and education.

海军部大楼是圣彼得堡一流建筑之一。The Admiralty was one of the first structures to be built in St Petersburg.

他记下纬度和经度,然后在航海图上做了个标记。He noted the latitude and longitude, then made a mark on the admiralty chart.

海军部对于增加我们反潜艇舰只数量的问题,已有极其周密的计划。Comprehensive plans existed at the Admiralty for multiplying our anti-submarine craft.

财政大臣拒绝金钟的计划,并敦促住宿与日本。The exchequer rejected the Admiralty 's plans and pressed for accommodation with Japan.

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我所在的海军部研究实验室的那个组由斯蒂芬?巴特沃思出色的领导着。My section at the Admiralty Research Laboratory was run superbly by Stephen Butterworth.

英国海军部于1890年接管了那栋大厦,在并于1893年创建了海军学院。The Admiralty took over the buildings in 1890 and the Naval College was created in 1893.

作为英国海军大臣,丘吉尔卷入了1915年的达达尼尔战役。As First Lord of the Admiralty , Churchill was involved in the Dardanelles campaign in 1915.

这些调查活动促使海军部和英国皇家学会组织了“挑战者号”科学考察。These surveys caused the Admiralty and the Royal Society to mount the famous Challenger expedition.

港岛半山宝云道位置清幽,但与中环及金钟商业区则近在咫尺,交通往返极为方便。Bowen Road is a prime location in Mid-levels. It is quiet and convenient to Central and Admiralty districts.

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但是你知道湾仔和中环或金钟的商业级数完全不同。However, you know the class for office property between Wanchai and Central or Admiralty is totally different.

但是你知道湾仔和中环或金钟的商业级数完全不同。However,you know the class for office property between Wan Chai and Central or Admiralty is totally different.

我把学生们的海事法考卷带到车上,一边行驶一边判卷,或是在竞选工作结束后,在晚上为考卷评分。I took my Admiralty exams in the car with me, grading them as we rode or at night when the campaign work was over.

我未能说服海军部取道地中海运送装甲旅或至少运送该旅的车辆。I was not able to induce the admiralty to send the armoured brigade, or at least their vehicles, through the mediterranean.

海事纠纷被视为东亚两个强国之间危险的潜在爆发点。Moreover, admiralty disputes are generally considered as the dangerous possible lead-ups between the two powers in East Asia.

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下面我们就看看今年的金钟男主角谁更有优势跟潜质跟声势。The following year we take a look at the Admiralty with the leading man who is more potential with the advantage of momentum.

在史前时代,殖民者波利尼西亚人在新几内亚和邻近的金钟岛遭遇了原著民美拉尼西亚人。In prehistoric times, colonising Polynesians encountered resident Melanesians in New Guinea and the neighbouring Admiralty islands.

我被安排在春季学期讲授“刑事诉讼”和“海事法”,我已经做了不少的准备工作。I was assigned to teach Criminal Procedure and Admiralty in the spring term and had already done quite a bit of the preparation work.