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广州一名资深刑警表示。A senior gumshoe of Guangzhou expresses.

悄悄走过去给他来个措手不及。Gumshoe came to him in the past unaware.

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私家鹅侦探能逮补真凶吗?Will Gumshoe Goose arrest the kidnapper?

中国刑警学院的吴旭芒教授今年74岁了。Awn teaches the Wu Xu of Chinese gumshoe institute this year 74 years old.

他白天是热血刑警,晚上是非理性刑警。He day is hot-blooded gumshoe, dispute is rational in the evening gumshoe.

陈一龙想调入刑警队,遭队长郑重抵制。Chen Yilong wants to transfer into gumshoe team, meet with captain is earnest boycott.

年轻的刑警卢杨在追捕蒋冬至的过程中发现了案件背后的复杂性。Young gumshoe Lu Yang Zai chases the complexity that Jiang discovered case backside in solstitial process.

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后辈车刑警怀疑李大卢与鸦片组织的关系,并且开始收集相关资料。Posterity car gumshoe suspects Li Dalu and the relation that opium organizes, and begin collect relevant data.

刑警大队在案发23个小时之后,就将此案成功破获,并将案犯捉拿归案。After gumshoe group on record delivers 23 hours, uncover this case successfully, bring to justice criminal arrest.

为了找寻蛛丝马迹,忠植一方面协助刑警破案,一方面孤军作战。To search clues, faithful establish helps gumshoe crack a criminal case on one hand, on one hand an isolated force fights.

上级决定将派出所与刑警中队合并,升格为分局,解决这一难题。Ranking decision incorporates police station and gumshoe squadron, promote is substation, solve this one difficult problem.

负责调查此案件的金刑警在刑警队当了五年警察,经验丰富,成熟老练。The golden gumshoe that is in charge of investigating this case became 5 years of polices in gumshoe team, seasoned, mature and adept.

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个人的来说,我很喜欢御剑,不过如果我们想做另一个系列的游戏的话为什么不搞一个糸锯的游戏?我们可以玩到逆转刑事!Personally, I really like Edgeworth, but if we were to make another series why not make a game with Gumshoe? We can have Ace Detective!

刑警雷涛在调查中发现,案件中的三名受害人都与一名已婚的中年女子有着千丝万缕的关系。Gumshoe Lei Tao discovers in investigation, 3 victims in the case are having the concern of countless ties with a married middleaged woman.

有人绑架了小鸡宝宝!是狐狸奶奶做的吗?还是胖狐狸?私家鹅侦探能逮补真凶吗?打开故事,你就能找到答案啰!Somebody has kidnapped Baby Chick-Chick! Was it Granny Fox, or Fat Fox? Will Gumshoe Goose arrest the kidnapper? Open the book and you will see!

本以为案件就此告破,但是刑警队长李明凯却从葛军的供述中发现了重大疑点。This thinking that the case is accused at this point broken, but gumshoe header Li Mingkai however of Cong Gejun offer major doubtful point discovered in narrating.

升格前,党育与刑警队长赵光明之间,既有竞争、分歧,又时常高度默契地密切合作,处理了一个又一个事件和案件。Before promote, between party Yo and light of gumshoe header Zhao, have competition, difference already, constant height tacit clasp, handled another incident and a case.

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这天刚上班,刑警科朴科长一连找了好几个特警商量,请他们带新手,结果处处碰壁。This day just went to work, in succession of gumshoe division plain section chief looked for several special alarm discuss, ask them to take a new hand, result everywhere be rebuffed.