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这音乐快要让我疯了。The music is driving me barmy.

美国的风尚传到了我们这儿,那头的整条街道在圣诞节都被打扮的古怪起来。The American trend is coming over here. Over there the whole street goes barmy at Christmas.

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所以如果我没在家看书的话,那么你一定可以在公园找到我,我会像个野孩子一样在滑冰和蹦跳!So if I'm not at home, reading, you can find me in the park, skating and jumping like a barmy boy.

本日的疯狂中国故事。应该把她的牙齿从嘴里请出来作为她的“随身携带行李”!Today's barmy China story. She should have been taking her teeth on board in a bag as "hand luggage" !

假如切尔西的行销人员放弃了他们产品的这一特性,那他们真是太傻了。And if Chelsea's marketing men are happy to give up on that recognition for their product they must be barmy.

巴勒斯坦应该和以色列一样获得国家地位。This is barmy. The argument that the Palestinians must resume negotiations before getting statehood is specious.

乌龙茶是中国茶的代表,是一种半发酵的茶,透明的琥珀色茶汤是其特色。Oolong is the delegate of Chinese tea, it is a kind of half barmy tea, transparent amber tea soup is its characteristic.

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人们普遍相信,所有含可发酵的碳水化合物的食物都会对龋齿的形成起潜在的作用。People believes generally, all containing but the food of barmy carbohydrate can is opposite of dental caries form a potential effect.

可发酵的碳水化合物出现在淀粉和糖中,包括那些存在于食物中和添加进加工食品中的淀粉和糖。But barmy carbohydrate appears in starch and candy, include those consist in food to counteract the starch in be being added into treatment food and candy.

就像我在之前面试的时候说的,最难的一步就是参与,一旦你参与到其中,你就发现你无法自拔了,除非你疯掉了。Like I said in the previous interview when I wasn't a MOTU, the hardest step is to get in, once you are in, you will never want to get out, unless you are barmy.

没有发酵的牛奶不宜浇花,因为牛奶发酵时会产生大量的热量,会烧坏花的根部。Unfavorable without barmy milk irrigate a flower, the meeting when fermenting because of milk produces much quantity of heat, the root ministry of can burned-out flower.