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办公室破旧不堪,而学生呢,多数资质平平。He had a dumpy office and taught mostly unimpressive students.

到目前为止,各国应对贸易下跌的举动没有给人留下深刻印象。So far, the global response to declining trade has been unimpressive.

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从今天看来,它们的失败似乎没有什么可奇怪的,但是,它们都曾占据着像中国今天所占据的位置。While they may seem like unimpressive comparisons today, they once occupied a position much like China’s.

原因之一在于,左翼党派中那些毫无作为的领导人们拿不出可以取代全球化的方案。One reason is a string of unimpressive leaders who have offered little to take the place of globalisation.

其中的大多数功能都只使用几行代码和配置,单独使用这些内容时可能不太引人注目。Most of these features take only a few lines of coding and configuration, which are perhaps unimpressive in isolation.

德国队在友谊赛中以不尽如人意的表现1-0战胜中国队,胡特下半场替补上场,当时场上比分0-0。Germany won an unimpressive friendly 1-0 against China. Robert Huth was a half-time substitute, when the score was 0-0.

据GAO说,FDA从未因为药物失效、或是进一步研究数据不尽如人意而让一种药品推出市场的。According to the GAO, the FDA has never once pulled a drug off the market due to missing or unimpressive follow-up data.

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防空方面很牛!对地没什么印象。另外就是它虽然很巨大但是走得还挺快。The Thor is VERY effective against air units. It is unimpressive against ground units. It also moves rather quickly for its size.

这一切都起源于安猪在全美麦当劳高中全明星比赛中并不出彩的表现,即使他的AAU教练让他减掉了30磅的体重。It started after his unimpressive showing in the McDonald's All-American Game when his AAU coach trimmed 30 pounds off him and invited scouts to a workout in New York.

高尔夫GTI乍看颇不起眼,妙就妙在驾驶性能卓著,驾驶乐趣纯粹。Being rather unimpressive at first glance, but providing sheer driving performance and hence, ultimate driving pleasure is precisely the success factor of the Golf GTI.

德国,且不论近期发展援助的战绩多么不堪,很看好FTT计划,只因为德国是钱就要,只要能够减少预算赤字。Germany, despite an unimpressive recent record on development assistance, likes the idea of an FTT but only because it wants to use any money raised to reduce its budget deficit.