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最后将植物放到水晶球盆景中。Finally, place your plants inside the terrarium.

在水晶球盆景中要放置水或雾收集器,以保持水分。Water or mist the terrarium sparingly, but keep it moist.

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同样的法子也适用于几何形的灯笼或玻璃容器。This trick also works with a geometric lantern or terrarium.

——而且他的心也怦怦直跳,他把纸箱放进玻璃容器里,打开盖子。—and, with his heart pounding, lowered the box into the terrarium and opened the lid.

你只需要建立一个生态缸,就可以得到更多的栽培空间和更少的花费。Just make a friggin' terrarium and you'll have far more growing area for far less cost.

宾夕法尼亚州,费城自然科学学院,一只大壁虎把自己悬挂在培养箱顶面上。Tokay gecko hangs upside down in its terrarium at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

日间日光浴灯可以直接将光和热聚在一个特定的位置上,从而在饲养箱中创造日光浴。The spot allows one to direct the heat and light in a certain direction to create basking sites in the terrarium.

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宾夕法尼亚州,费城自然科学学院,一只大壁虎把自己悬挂在培养箱顶面上。A Tokay gecko hangs upside down in its terrarium at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

本课题的研究目的是设计一套基于计算机视觉的药用管制玻璃瓶检测系统实验装置。The research aimed at the design of a tube-type medicinal Terrarium image inspecting system based on machine vision.

人类极其喜爱这一培育器,科学家将地球用作一个操作各种实验的地方。Humans historically enjoyed the terrarium , and scientists used earth as a place to conduct experiments of all kinds.

空间内,数个长桌将空间分隔成彩绘、喷砂、微景观等不同的课程体验区。In the workshop, the space is divided into different course areas for color painting, sandblasting, terrarium workshops, and so on.

最后,要是你发现你需要一种比常春藤还要耐寒的植物,试试动手做一个可以在超低温下生存的苔类景观箱吧。Finally if you find that you need something even more chill than Ivy, try your hand at making an ultra-low maintenance moss terrarium.

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她决定用一系列水晶球盆景做一个科学实验,研究颜色、纹理和视觉效果对情感的影响。She described making a terrarium as a sort of science experiment, albeit one conducted with color, texture and visual composition in mind.

最好可以开动脑筋,选择一些非同平常的玻璃容器,这样就是再普通的事情也能引起你的爱好了。Best and OK move ideas, choose a few terrarium that are different from common, be the interest that again average issue also can arouse you so.

然后,他提起蛇——靠近火的那一边的身体摸上去明显有了温度——把它轻柔地放回玻璃容器内。Then he lifted the snake—it was noticeably warm to the touch on the side that had been closest to the fire—and laid it gently in the terrarium.

冰盖曾像一个玻璃容器,维系了地球的暖和温度,并保护地球免于遭受你们宇宙中如此普遍的放射线。It was the ice shields that much like a terrarium that retained earth's warmth, and also protected earth from radiation so prevalent in your universe.

整个系统以图像处理、DSP技术为基础,针对药用管制玻璃瓶的缺陷进行检测。Overall system relates to image processing, DSP technology, it can inspect the defective tube-type medicinal Terrarium with other auxiliary equipment.

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种在生态缸的未成熟的瓶子草,在两三年内会持续生长,然后才加入成熟瓶子草的行列,开始随著季节周期变化。Juvenile Sarracenia can be raised in a terrarium under lights for two to three years before they need to join the adults and start the cycle of seasons.

就像一个玻璃容器,地球从极点的寒冷到赤道的炎热之不平均的分布,变成全球性的平均72度。Much like a terrarium , soon Earth went from an uneven distribution of cold at her poles to hot along the equator became an even 72 degrees global wide.

他放下箱子,把装有蟒蛇的养育箱从卧室拖到客厅并把它放在壁炉的一侧。He set down the box and then dragged the python’s terrarium across the floor from the bedroom to the living room and set it to one side of the fireplace.