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是否有任何其他的体育馆在晚上?Is there any other gym in KK ?

玥知荣为做善事被KK责备,支持荣。He was known to do good honor KK blame, support majesty.

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海伦是KK百货公司的询问处服务员。Helen is an information booth worker in KK Department Store.

因此亚庇青年组成立流动服务队以解决所有问题。The KK Youth hereby form the mobile teams to solve all the problem.

KK不满新人邢丰的唱片封套,又要荣跟进。XingFeng KK dissatisfaction the new album covers, and must honor follow up.

我们必须一起努力,使亚庇市成为我们能够感到自豪的城市。We have to work together to bring KK city to be a city that we are proud of.

KK加美主任亲率青春玉女KK and Jiamei as directors, who will personally lead jade-like girls in the spring of youth

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丰不满秉所作的新曲,秉为修改新曲一事与KK僵持不下。Abundant of discontent grasp new song, guided by new song for modification with no KK stalemate.

KK提议丰给假口供以推卸交通意外罪责,荣不值,将实情说出。Give false testimony richly KK proposal to shirk traffic accident blame, honor, will the truth to say nothing.

火山的身高有机背方和,但即使是背风面可以买到株式会社风暴湿透。The taller volcanoes have dryer leeward sides as well, but even the leeward side can get soaked in a KK storm.

在单轴机器人KK是由电动机驱动滑块驱动滚珠丝杠和带有U形轨道的线性导轨指导。The Single Axis Robot KK is a slider actuated by a motor-driven ballscrew and guided by a linear guideway with a U-shaped rail.

两年前,“顶级”内衣品牌在英国率先推出KK罩杯文胸,但仍无法满足顾客需求,于是该品牌今年一月推出L罩杯文胸。Bravissimo launched the KK cup size two years ago. But with customers demanding even bigger sizes, the company launched the L cup in January.

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虽然模特们通常会被告知,在镜头前要表现得多一点娴静少一点顽皮,但科库娃还是以她的方式在每张照片中都展现出她风趣的个性。Although supermodels are often told to be more serene and placid than naughty, KK is able to translate her fun personality into each photo shoot.

邱庆洲博士接到多位广告业者的投诉说,此举已剥夺了广告同业的生机。Dr. Hiew King Cheu, the KK MP received complaints from members of the advertising companies saying that this move had deprived the business of the companies.

荣为令丰如期在老人院作慈善演出,不听从KK临时要丰出席另一表演之命令,全大为欣赏。Glory for make abundant duly in nursing homes, and hearkened not unto the charity performance KK temporary to abundant attend another performance, full greatly appreciated.

公司服装的消费人群定位于80-90年代追求时尚潮流年轻女性为主要群体。时尚不缺优雅、高贵不失可爱的风格永远是KK以及D&Q品牌追逐的一个不变主题!Young girls pursuing fashion trend among 80s or 90s are main target consumers. Fashion with elegance and nobility with loveliness are the style KK AND D&Q will never stop pursuing.

门将,无需任何担心。在曼城战中雷纳又一次的成了观众,还没买票。如果KK组合仍然威武的华,我很确定即使我的祖母,也能成为利物浦下赛季的门将。PS – Goalkeeper, no worries, after watching Reina as a mere spectator again today, I am pretty sure even my grandmother can be a good keeper for LFC next season if KK remains in charge.