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它本质上是一个有轮子的远程会议系统。It is in essence a teleconferencing system on wheels.

通过电话会议可以分享专业知识。Expertise can be share worldwide through teleconferencing.

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玛利告诉我她喜欢今天早晨的电话会议,除了节奏慢之外。Mary told me this morning that she likes teleconferencing except for the slow speed.

怀疑论者表示,这些机器不能代表超越视频会议的重大进步。Skeptics say these machines do not represent a great improvement over video teleconferencing.

雪儿望圣母保持连接通过电话会议的编程与遥远的苗族社会。Cher Vang stays connected with the far-flung Hmong community via teleconferencing programming.

新的技术由包括电子书写板、电信会议、闭路电视等。New technology includes electronic writing boards, teleconferencing and close circuit television.

对于“硬件”,王指的是更大的楼宇和更好的设备,比如对电话会议的改进。By "hardware" Wong means larger premises and better facilities, such as improved teleconferencing.

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今天,雪儿望圣母参加的电话会议上从家里唱传统情歌。Today, Cher Vang participates on the teleconferencing line by singing a traditional love song from home.

很多人认为视频会议和即时通讯已经取代了虚拟世界互动。Many argue that video teleconferencing and instant messaging have replaced the need for virtual world interaction.

根据条件不同,可以通过电子邮件、电视电话会议或者其它因特网通讯手段做到这一点。Depending on circumstances, this could be achieved through email, teleconferencing or other Internet-based communication.

教师的辅导可以通过定期的航空邮件、电话、传真和电话会议以及因特网等方式进行。Tutorial assistance may be available via regular airmail, telephone, facsimile machine, teleconferencing and over the Internet.

思科也是可视通讯的产品领导者,覆盖从高端视频电话会议到家庭视频通信解决方案。Cisco is also the leader in video communications with products which run from high-end teleconferencing to home video solutions.

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建立你的联盟,这样你在面对面的交易量往往超过通过电话,电话会议或视频会议所产生的数量。Set up your alliances so that you can conduct much of your face-to-face business over the phone or by teleconferencing or videoconferencing.

一天晚上,当肖尔先生和佐藤女士约会的时候,他的老板如两人事先约好的计划打来电话,要求肖尔先生到办公室测试一下某种电话会议系统。During a date with Ms. Sato one evening, his boss phoned Mr. Shaw on the pretext of asking him to stop by the office to test some teleconferencing gear.

对人脸进行处理和分析在视频监控、出入口控制、视频会议以及人机交互等领域都有着广泛的应用前景。The disposal and analysis of faces has far-range application foreground in video monitoring, gate controlling, teleconferencing and human-computer interaction field, et al.

想想看电子购票系统如何让搭机旅行变得简单,通用产品码如何让购物变得轻松,以及800开头的会议电话如何让视讯会议变得更加可行。Consider howe-ticketing simplified air travel, how universal product codes made shopping easier or how 800-number-based conference calls made teleconferencing more feasible.

思想和信息的实时国际交流能够得以实现,且确实已被实现,只要通过实况录像卫星转播这一形式的电信会议而将学校在全球范围内连结起来。Real-time international exchanges of ideas and information can and do occur by linking schools across the globe through teleconferencing via live video satellite transmissions.

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需要考虑的其他国际因素是举行面对面会议时的时区差别、国家与地区节假日、旅行出差要求与电话会议的后勤保证问题。Other international factors to consider are time-zone differences, national and regional holidays, travel requirements for face-to-face meetings, and the logistics of teleconferencing.