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将临期的开始,标志著新一礼仪年的来临。With the beginning of the season of Advent we begin a new liturgical year.

霍夫曼有限公司成立于1923年,起初是从事礼仪图书的出版商。The company Hofmann, S. L. , was founded in 1923 as a publisher of liturgical books.

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因此发现了收获赞美诗,在礼拜式的古卷小片上,是一个虚拟的母亲矿脉。So the harvest hymn find, on a scrap of liturgical scroll, was a virtual mother lode.

他按照礼拜仪式的韵律,手捂着耳朵,以充满激情的声音大声地朗读起来。He read it loudly, his hands on his ears, in a passionate voice, following a liturgical rhythm.

其他几种则作为礼拜用的语言而保存下来,但并没有活跃地用于日常生活中。A few others survive as liturgical languages, but are otherwise not actively used in daily life.

短诗,歌曲在颂歌、赞美诗或圣歌前后轮流吟诵或吟唱的礼拜仪式短诗或歌曲。A short liturgical text chanted or sung responsively preceding or following a psalm, psalm verse, or canticle.

它是一种学者气质和礼拜用的语言,像拉丁语一样,自本族语的人存在以来,已经使用了很多个世纪。It was a scholarly and liturgical language, like Latin was used for many centuries after native speakers existed.

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聊城市永盛影视传媒千禧缘礼仪庆典公司是一家专业婚礼策划机构。Liaocheng Win Millennium Media Television edge liturgical celebrations is a professional wedding planning agency.

梵文是印度教的仪式语言,就连中国也认识到了梵文的重要性。Sanskrit is the liturgical language of hinduism and even china is also realizing the importance of sanskrit language.

格立高圣歌是由音乐剧组成的在罗马天主教会礼拜用的圣歌。Gregorian Chant is a musical repertory made up of chants used in the liturgical services of the Roman Catholic Church.

梵语是印度的古典印欧语系语言,是印度教、佛教和耆那教的祭礼语言。Sanskrit is an Indo-European classical language of India and a liturgical language of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

梵语是印度的古典印欧语系语言,是印度教、教和耆那教的祭礼语言。Sanskrit is an Indo-European classical language of India and a liturgical language of Hinduism , Buddhism, and Jainism.

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他所引用的这段话,大多数圣经注译者视为早期基督教圣诗,或是礼拜信经的一部份。He is about to quote part of what the majority of Bible commentators see as an early Christian hymn or liturgical creed.

在我们这个时代,必须重新发现此一做法,并再次鼓励大家力行,尤其是在四旬期间。This practice needs to be rediscovered and encouraged again in our day, especially during the liturgical season of Lent.

此外,它包括一个集模特儿、纺织器材、地毯、刺绣、礼仪件首饰等物品。Moreover, it includes a collection of mannequins, textile tools, carpets, embroidered pieces and liturgical ornaments, among other items.

他不但关心我们,而且设立了严格的道德规范和礼仪习俗,我们都必须加以遵守以确保获得永生的救赎。He not only cares about us but has set up precise moral norms and liturgical practices that we must follow to ensure our eternal salvation.

在上星期六圣母大殿举行的礼仪祈祷和感恩祭﹐我对中华圣母传教中心的积极参与感到非常惊叹。I was amazed at the participation of Our Lady of China Pastoral Mission in the Liturgical Prayer and Eucharist during Saturday at the National Shrine.

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能肯定的事,也是对马拉巴尔或西海岸的印度南部的一个机构的基督徒仍然存在,用一种形式的叙利亚文供其礼仪语言。Certain it is also that on the Malabar or west coast of southern India a body of Christians still exists using a form of Syriac for its liturgical language.

教堂的传统的礼拜歌是一种单旋律音乐加上来自宗教经文的拉丁歌词。In fact, the liturgical tradition which the Church has bestowed on us is a vocal, monophonic music composed along with Latin words coming from sacred texts.

环境装饰的设计更是配合著教会礼仪年历中不同的时期,藉此帮助教友对礼仪加深认识。Decorations are designed to fit in with different seasons of the liturgical calendar of the Church, thus helping parishioners to understand better the liturgy.