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紫电青霜,王将军之武库。Purple electric green frost, king of general armoury.

他们闯入兵器库抢走了二十二支步枪。They broke into the armoury and carried off 22 rifles.

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在我们的军械库中,最有用的装备就是PM2.5监测仪。The most useful device in our armoury is our PM2.5 monitor.

而一个演讲者最有力的却又常常未被充分利用的武器,就是暂停。One of the most potent and underused weapons in the speaker’s armoury is the pause.

另外一名股东代理律师劳伦斯·埃尔文证实,法斯托将是这些案件关键的证人。Mr Fastow was widely regarded as an important addition to the prosecution's armoury.

在一个军械库被占领以及局势的全面恶化导致法务部丧失了对这一地区的控制。An armoury was captured and the situation deteriorated out of the Adeptus Arbites control.

应用程序筒仓之间的连接可以由典型的SOA、WSDL、WS库得到加强。Connectivity between application silos is enhanced with the typical SOA, WSDL, WS-* armoury.

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要塞军营几乎可以训练和装备所有步兵部队,直至最为精锐的皇家禁卫军。An armoury allows the training and equipping of the best infantrymen, usually to a very high standard.

许多流行病学家认为以这样的角度密切关注野生动物,将成为智囊库中一个新的重要方法。Keeping an eye on wildlife in this way is seen by many epidemiologists as an important new part of the armoury.

随着一场迅速成长的海军装备的空前盛大的展示,中国作为世界重要力量显示了其雄心抱负。WITH an unprecedented display of its rapidly growing naval armoury , China has flaunted its ambitions as a global power.

现代的工模具制作出现要追溯到1780年在法国圣卡蒂埃兵工厂工作的洪诺留?勃朗的发明。Modern tools and dies can be traced to the work of Honore Blanc at the Saint-etienne armoury in France Beginning in 1780.

现代的工模具制作出现要追溯到1780年在法国圣卡蒂埃兵工厂工作的洪诺留?勃朗的发明。Modern tools and dies can be traced to the work of Honoré Blanc at the Saint-étienne armoury in France beginning in 1780.

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铁骑蛋,1916年由尼古拉二世赠送给妻子亚历山德拉费多罗夫娜。黄金,钢铁,田玉。现保存在克里姆林宫军械库博物馆,莫斯科。Steel Military Egg, 1916. Presented by Nicholas II to Czarina Alexandra Fyodorovna. Gold, steel, nephrite. Kept in Kremlin Armoury Museum, Moscow.

在他的经验库里,有着杰出的眼力,迅速的脚法和全面的技术。卡里克已经成为了斯科尔斯理想的搭档。With outstanding vision, quick feet and a broad-ranging repertoire of passes in his armoury , Carrick has been the ideal partner for Paul Scholes.

其次是管理米斯巴,耶书亚的儿子以谢修造一段,对着武库的上坡,城墙转弯之处。And next to him repaired Ezer the son of Jeshua, the ruler of Mizpah, another piece over against the going up to the armoury at the turning of the wall.

如果乡村联盟把乡村当作应对气候变化的武器库,那么就不能把其变成经济中心。If the Rural Coalition is serious about villages being part of the armoury against climate change, then turning them into economic hubs is not the answer.

美国新闻是在辞退了艾梅尔之后发现他的告密行动的,很快就对他进行了司法诉讼。News America learned of Emmel's whistleblowing activities after it had sacked him in a dispute over his timekeeping. It then unleashed its legal armoury against him.

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如果曾先后被租借到赫尔城和热刺队的前曼联球员弗雷泽-坎贝尔能远离伤病,条纹军的攻击线就基本配备齐全了。If the jury remains out on Fraizer Campbell after the ex-Hull and Spurs loanee's arrival from Manchester United, at least the Wearside attacking armoury has been restocked.

优格里教授强调面部测谎仪器永远不会成为一个发现潜在恐怖分子的“故障自趋安全”方法,但是可为安全官员提供有用的额外工具。Prof Ugail stressed the facial lie detector would never be a 'fail safe' method of spotting potential terrorists, but could provide a useful extra tool in the armoury of security officials.

优格里教授强调面部测谎仪器永远不会成为一个发现潜在恐怖分子的“故障自趋安全”方法,但是可为安全官员提供有用的额外工具。Prof Ugail stressed the facial lie detector would never be a ‘fail safe’ method of spotting potential terrorists, but could provide a useful extra tool in the armoury of security officials.