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脂肪瘤对身体有影响吗?Is lipoma influential to the body?

这是句非常有影响力的名言。This wa s a very influential quote.

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你为什么会对他们有影响呢?Why were you influential with them?

但是菲亚特也不容小觑。But Fiat also has an influential supporter.

他位居数个相当有影响力的半官方机构。He sat on various reasonably influential quangos.

他是二十世纪初具有影响的人物。He is an influential figure in early 20th-century.

恰恰因为这一点,才成就了杰克逊“20世纪最具影响力的艺术家”这一殊誉。Hence, that whole "Most Influential Artist" thing.

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是在华北地区较有影响的剧种之一。In North China, one of the more influential drama.

墨子是另一位极具影响力的思想家。Mozi was another teacher who was very influential.

他的感化力使我成为一个更好的人.adj.influential His influence made me a better man.

然而,在你生命中,最有影响力的梦想克星是你自己。But the most influential DreamBuster in your life is you.

Soane的设计为画廊证明了高度显要。Soane's design for the gallery proved highly influential.

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他的老板在政界还是颇有影响的。His boss was rather influential in the government circles.

阿斯他家族是另一个有影响力的光照派家族。The Astor family is another influential Illuminati family.

蒸发管入口空气流速对蒸发率的影响较小。But, the velocity of the inlet airflow is less influential.

但他在民权运动中很有影响力。but he is very influential in the civil rights movement so.

他在竹枝词等民歌体小诗方面的影响表现得更为集中、典型。He is especially influential in folk song such as Zhuzhi-Ci.

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我为一些塔伦特最有影响的女士服务!I serve some of the most influential ladies in all of Tarant!

唐尼森对多种文化地域住房政策所作的有影响的研究。Donnison's influential cross-cultural study of housing policy.

我的月经迟来了4天,请问有影响吗?。My menstruation came 4 days behindhand, excuse me influential?