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你现在又像个卖唱的了?So, you're like a rapper now?

欧阳靖12岁第一次听到黑人说唱歌手L。At the age of 12 Gin Oy first heard the rapper L.

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一个“有名的”突尼斯说唱歌手支持伊斯兰教法。A "celebrated" Tunisian rapper supports Shariah law.

24岁的布兰妮和28岁的凯文·费德林于2004年结婚。Spears, 24, married rapper Kevin Federline, 28, in 2004.

你会成为一个像你爸爸吹笛手那样的小打击乐手吗?Would you have been a little rapper like your papa da Piper?

跟我的儿子比起来,任何一位柏林的说唱歌手都算是言语文雅。Every rapper in Berlin is an aesthete when compared to my son.

这个“出租国家”的灵感得益于美国说唱歌手“史努比狗狗”。This whole-country-rental idea started with rapper Snoop Dogg.

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今晚我们要认识一位新朋友,格莱美提名的B。Tonight, we're adding a new name, Grammy-nominated rapper B. O.

说唱歌手克南试图改变世人对其祖国的看法。A rapper named K'naan is trying to change the way his country is viewed.

该唱片包含从NAS或说唱歌手拉斐尔Saadiq参与。The LP contains the participation from rapper Nas or singer Raphael Saadiq.

这个礼拜他一直在听新奥尔良的说唱歌手李尔·韦恩。This week Phelps has been listening to Lil Wayne, a rapper from New Orleans.

上个月,英国说唱歌手M.I.A.以一身运动袜搭配金属质感金色凉鞋的装扮出现在公众视野中。British rapper M.I.A. was caught wearing sweat socks and metallic gold sandals last month.

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乡村音乐之夜以说唱歌手卢达克里斯和杰森•阿尔迪恩的同台演出结束。The night of country music closed with rapper Ludacris' sharing the stage with Jason Aldean.

其他上榜者还包括流行歌手迈克尔•杰克逊和乐队组合“野蛮男孩”的成员迈克•戴蒙德。Others included pop star Michael Jackson and nasal-voiced rapper Mike Diamond of the Beastie Boys.

这个研究结果似乎预示着28岁的流行天后碧昂斯和她39岁的饶舌歌手老公杰斯将会有一个幸福美满的婚姻。The findings predict a happy future for pop star Beyonce Knowles, 28, and rapper husband Jay-Z,39.

这个研究结果似乎预示灭28岁的流行天后碧昂斯和她39岁的饶舌歌手老公杰斯将会有一个幸福美满的婚姻。The findings predict a happy future for pop star Beyonce Knowles, 28, and rapper husband Jay-Z, 39.

良多人,搜罗戈弗雷·詹姆斯,都说国会议员在辅佐失踪业的美国人方面做得不够。Many, including rapper Godfrey James, say lawmakers are not doing enough to help unemployed Americans.

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“南区”说唱是维斯特献给去年突然去世的母亲的作品,母亲终年58岁。The rapper offered an emotional tribute to his mother, who died unexpectedly last year at the age of 58.

他的职业从超越一个说唱乐手到情景喜剧演员,然后又回到说唱乐手。His career image has seen him transcend from streetwise rapper, to sitcom actor, and back to streetwise rapper.

一个说唱艺人把乌斯曼欺负阿娜尔罕的事情编成歌曲弹唱,引起了众人的围观和跟唱。A rapper what us man bullying annah majolica into songs playing, caused the people watching and sing along with.